The fight against EU superstate comes to final battle in Czech Rep. -
Pres. Klaus court speech against Lisbon Treaty
Perhaps some in U.S. would be interested in briliant arguments president Vaclav Klaus used yesterday against Lisbon Treaty (the clone of failed euroconstitution) before Czech Constitutional Court.
The whole speech translated to English HERE
Czech Republic and Ireland are only countries which so far didn't pass the Lisbon Treaty - the treaty which constitutes the European police superstate.
The Ireland was only country where the referendum was held and the Treaty was refused there in June. But the EU ignores the result and wants Ireland to repeat the vote.
In the Czech Republic there is strong oppossition against the Treaty in The Senate - which led to the decision not to ratify it and to send the Treaty to the Constitutional Court - to decide if the Treaty is compliant with the Czech Constitution - namely with the principle of sovereignity of the people and with the principles of the democratic and legally consistent state.
Conservative Czech president Vaclav Klaus (who is by now a friend for example with Ron Paul whom he invited for his rare travel to Prague already two years ago - to have a outstanding speech about Ludwig von Mises economy there) is only top politician in Europe, who is consistently campaigning against the Lisbon Treaty and against the formation of the European superstate.
The battle against the Lisbon Treaty culminates now before Czech Constitutional court, where president Klaus have had a principial speech yesterday - where he eloquently used the own arguments used to defend the Treaty by the Czech Government - he used it paradoxicly and very logically against the Treaty. Also the representatives of the Czech Senate pleaded the arguments agaist the Treaty before the court. So it becomes the suit between Senate and President on the side against the Treaty and the Government and House of Commons defending it.
Almost all expected the Court would decide the case yesterday. But the speech of the President Klaus was so eloquent and full of heavy-duty arguments against the Treaty, that the Government representative (former Czech ambassador to USA Alexander Vondra - known for his campaigning for the U.S. military base in the Czech Rep.) was unable to even discuss it. So the Chair of the court recessed the disputation to be continued today.
We expected the court will tend to pass the Treaty, but nobody expected such a harlequinade - that they'll defend the Treaty constitutionality with ideology as "globalization:", "integration of european civilization" or even "euroconform legal interpretation".
The court apparently didn't rule ANYTHING about the questions of President from the public hearing and the ruling looks much as it was written months before the public hearing and the subsequent judgment. So it looks there is a big space for further appeals - and the court explicitly didn't rule the appeals and further complaints out - paradoxicly the court ruled, that it is the reason for not judging about the Treaty as a whole - to not avoid further constitutional complaints.
The court didn't rule about the whole Treaty, but according to its own words only about couple of articles in it. Some - as the article 2 -3/2 : giving in contradiction with international law of Vienna convention exclusive power to EU to conclude international treaties - was ruled out from the judgment - even the court was very critical about and constated explicitly its borderline uncompliance with the Czech Constitution in the statement - so the Headlines like "Czech Court Rules Lisbon Treaty Is Constitutional" are - when we put it mildly - not true.
It is good to point out for U.S. public - that according to the polls - majority of the Czechs (and also majority of the voters in majority of other european countries) positively don't wish the Treaty be passed. In all countries where the referendum - either about Euroconstitution or its clone Lisbon Treaty - was allowed to be held - in France, Netherlands and Ireland - the referendum rejected the Treaty. Something about the results of the polls I've published here:
Czech Court Rules Lisbon Treaty Is Constitutional
AHN Staff:
November 26, 2008 8:38 a.m. EST
Brno, Czech Republic (AHN) - The Czech Republic's Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday the Lisbon Treaty does not go against the country's constitution. The decision paves the way for the country's Parliament to ratify the EU Treaty.
Justice Vojen Guttler explained the EU's integration envisioned by the treaty will not lead to a loss of sovereignty but is an evolutionary process.
Czech President Vaclav Klaus is against ratifying the EU treaty, while Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek is in favor of it.
The Czech Republic is one of the few EU members which have not yet ratified the treaty. All 27 members of the EU must ratify it for the Lisbon Treaty to take effect. The Czech Republic is slated to lead the EU for the next six months starting January. It will replace France.