Fjordman's book "Defeating Eurabia"
We proudly present the printed version of "Defeating Eurabia", the first book by our appreciated contributor Fjordman. This compilation of Fjordman articles fromGates of Vienna, Jihad Watch, Atlas Shrugs, The Brussels Journal and Fjordman's own (now defunct) blog has been updated and finetuned to reflect his current views on the islamization of Europe. It provides a thorough analysis of the causes and circumstances of the islamization process, a country-by-country survey and an optimistic concluding chapter with suggestions for the future.
The book is a paperback, containing 340 pages, 25 chapters and an index. It is published by BJ Books. This is the publishing spinoff of The Brussels Journaldedicated to publishing books by our authors. The book is available through, a print-on-demandprovider. The price is EUR 34.95 or USD 47.17, though these prices may fluctuate with currency exchange rates. Shipping costs are not included. These may vary depending on the destination. Buyers in the US and the EU will typically pay between 3 and 5 dollars/euros for shipping.
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