The night that changed the world This serial essay started with the assumption that Barack Hussein Obama’s election as the 44th President of the United States would accelerate the creation of a multicultural supra-state encompassing all the countries founded and developed by whites. This entity, that I called Meccania, would be an ideological extension of the European Union, suppressing and diluting its white majority, its original civilization and its civic freedoms while force-flooding its territories with ever more black, brown and Muslim minorities, and increasing state control over all areas of life. The night that changed the world This serial essay started with the assumption that Barack Hussein Obama’s election as the 44th President of the United States would accelerate the creation of a multicultural supra-state encompassing all the countries founded and developed by whites. This entity, that I called Meccania, would be an ideological extension of the European Union, suppressing and diluting its white majority, its original civilization and its civic freedoms while force-flooding its territories with ever more black, brown and Muslim minorities, and increasing state control over all areas of life. A week after Mr. Obama’s election, it was impossible to exaggerate its impact on the world. That oxen had been slain for feasts in Kenya, and black Americans had cried for joy is fair and normal. But what the descendants of Europa were doing was unique, fascinating and terrible. They were dancing on their own grave in euphoric rapture, by the hundred millions, celebrating their own demise. There were the leading airheads. For Gordon Brown, “America stands at its own dawn of hope” and St. Obama is about to usher a new age of “progressive multilateralism.” For Madame Sarkozy, the election of Obama was a fount of "immense joy" and hope that the "Obama effect" would reshape French society. For America’s “conservative” President Bush, Obama's win was 'good for our country'. Journalists, those custodians of facts who are supposed to inform the public, were writing about Mr. Obama, “Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope.” Norway's Aftenposten wrote, "We have great hopes that we are standing at the dawn of a new era." Dominique Moïsi, a senior adviser to the French Institute for International Relations, crowed, “And now we have to think, too, about our identity in France. We realize we are late, and America has regained the torch of a moral revolution.” And Germany upped the ante by electing a Turk as leader of the Green Party, with the MSM hailing it as a “major turning point”. What is going on here? For the record, I do not believe that there is anything intrinsically wrong with electing a black president in a country whose blacks have a longer tenure on its soil than perhaps 80% of its white population. It depends on who is the black person being elected. In the case of Barack Obama, from university through election to the US presidency, every step of his career was either arranged for him by, or served to further the cause of, black ultra-racists, black racial shakedown thugs, terrorists, felons, scam-artists, blackmail and economic mayhem organizations (e.g. ACORN), and communists. Just a sample of the names linked irrefutably to the 44th U.S. President includes Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, Khalid al-Mansoor, Antoine Rezko, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Nadhmi Auchi, Louis Farrakhan, Franklin Raines, and Raila Odinga. A link to any two such malefactors would have sunk any white presidential candidate in a matter of days. Yet Mr. Obama, coasting on a silver tongue and his blackness, and aided by the imbecility of the opposition party and its candidate, has won the ultimate prize. Young Americans, says American college professor Paul Kengor, don't care about Obama's radical past, because of the failure of the American educational system to teach the lessons of the Cold War and horrors of communism. “This is especially true of higher education,”writes Kengor, “where the leftist worldview is so extreme and so upside down that America's professors share a hearty contempt not for communism but for anti-communism.” It’s the rare semi-conservative journalist, Peter Hitchens, who read Obama’s election accurately: “The night we waved goodbye to America... our last best hope on Earth”. Walking in a Washington suburb on election night, he observed: “There had been a few white people blowing car horns and shouting, as the result became clear. But among the Mexicans, Salvadorans and the other Third World nationalities, there was something like ecstasy. They grasped the real significance of this moment. They knew it meant that America had finally switched sides in a global cultural war. The United States, having for the most part a deeply conservative people, had until now just about stood out against many of the mistakes which have ruined so much of the rest of the world.” That “standing against” is now passé. From now on, the U.S. will be adopting such ruinous European mistakes as socialism, witch-hunts for “racists,” full retreat before militant domestic Islam, and vilification of the political right at double speed. But Europe will be adopting those American diseases that it has so far managed to avoid, starting with the dumbing down of its university education system, coupled with Affirmative Action. Already the burning question on the minds of Europe’s cultural pashas is, Can Europe produce an Obama? Racial minorities that have so far only diluted Europe culturally and financially will now be pushed to dumbed down universities and from there to positions of power from which they will be able to accelerate the decomposition. The viral global infection has even adopted a slogan from subliterate, irredentist Mexican border jumpers. What began as ‘Si, se puede’ was transformed by Obama’s handlers into ‘Yes, we can,’ and has spread into every European language as 'Oui, nous pouvons' ‘Ja, wir können,’ ‘Ja, we kunnen het,’ etc. In a recent BJ post about the Belgian establishment’s enthusiasm for Obama, Alexandra Colen wondered whether America’s future will resemble that of Belgium. This is to assert that it will, and that the way to refuse that future is similar as well. The great asymmetry 95% of America’s black and 90% of America’s Muslim votes went to Obama, and there was never any doubt that they would. Predictably, 67% of Hispanic votes did so as well. But what defies understanding is that 43% of white votes went to Obama. And one subset of the latter – the 78% of Jewish votes cast for their latest Messiah – is so extremely suicidal that it has to be addressed as a separate issue. It’s the same issue, however, as the support of the European secular left for an invasion of Muslims that will lead to sharia rule; or the support of the majority of Western women for Muslim immigration from which issues an unprecedented wave of murder, rape, and oppression of women; or the support of labor unions for a flood of lower-wage immigrants who displace indigenous workers. When former US Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president, he averred that he was not supporting Mr. Obama because of his race but because he was “transformational.” The conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh retorted that he could not think of inexperienced, white extreme liberals Mr. Powell had endorsed in the past. What is “transformational” about Barack Obama is that he will be a black man holding power for the benefit of other blacks and “minorities,” disfranchising the white majority in its own country under a smokescreen of “racial healing, “end of divisiveness” and “social justice.” And Mr. Obama is black not so much by his genes but by an ardent ideological commitment, expressed in his writings and in his life’s work. Among others, when Obama co-chaired the Chicago Annenberg Challenge foundation, he dispensed funds to organizations promoting radical leftist and black racist indoctrination of school children. One of the beneficiaries, South Shore African Village Collaborative, included this statement in its application form: "Our children need to understand the historical context of our struggles for liberation from those forces that seek to destroy us." I will suggest that this very phrase become one of the cornerstones of the Antipod school system we must establish, if our culture is to survive. Afro-American “scholars” Jacob Carruthers and Asa Hilliard were training SSAVC teachers in "consciousness raising” and “curriculum readiness.” Caruthers’s main distinction in academia was his claim that the true birthplace of civilization was “Kemet,” which is ancient Egypt claimed for the Negro race, with whitey’s Greek civilization being either stolen from or, where genuine, inferior to that of Kemet. Hilliard, a similar Afrocentrist, asserted additionally that the fictitious Negro-Egyptians were the true discoverers of manned flight and of the theory of evolution. There is nothing wrong with Carruthers’s and Hilliard’s black supremacist views, if one ignores the ethical question of academics teaching demented piffle. Where the disease lies is in white Pods’ universities that had granted these charlatans their PhDs, white institutions that paid their salaries, white Body Snatchers’ money that funded the propagation of their deranged black racism, and 43% of America’s white voters electing for president the man who had been dispensing this money to such black racist ends. American blacks act in their racial group’s interest, nullify what they consider white people’ laws when serving in juries, and vote for black candidates, including convicted felons, irrespective of their merit. They have no compunction about using Pod (1) society’s soft social policies to live at the expense of the white taxpayer, nor to engage in electoral fraud in order to gain more power. During the 2008 election, stories about black electoral fraud were a daily feature in the few media that are still not sworn tools of the left. That ranged from bums registered by ACORN each 72 times as voters, to Helen Jones-Kelley, a black lawyer and high Ohio government official who misused the state’s computer system to find sensitive information about a famous McCain supporter and to mobilize potential donors to the Obama campaign. Mario Obledo, who was a high California official under Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and who founded MALDEF, once said, "California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave. Every constitutional office in California is going to be held by Hispanics in the next 20 years. People who don't like such demographic changes should go back to Europe." Actually, if there still were a Europe, this might be an attractive proposition, preferable to sharing a country with Mr. Obledo and his Body Snatcher vanguard, let alone being ruled by their kind. But in the not-too-distant future, the Muslim phalanx in the Netherlands or in Sweden may say to the indigenous people, if they don’t like sharia to go back to…. where? For America’s black supremacists and brown irredentists are not alone in treating their adoptive country as a rich imbecile heiress, fit only for a fiscal or physical mugging. Bosnian Muslims in Bern are a conquering tribe. Somalis in Malmö are a predatory tribe. Pakistanis in Birmingham are a tribe with an Islamic conquest agenda. Lebanese thugs in Sydney have already taught Australian women how a tribal group practices “love Leb-style.” Only Western Europeans and their genetic footprint in the Anglosphere have ceased being tribal. They have foresworn all salient features of tribalism such as group solidarity, group evolutionary strategy, endogamy, ethnocentrism, cultural fealty, not to speak of such salient Third World (and in the past, First World) tribal custom as imposition of the tribal interest over the individual one, physical intimidation and domination of other tribes, different moral codes on the inside and outside of the group, etc. To the contrary, practically 99.5% of the millions who constitute the West’s ruling class, plus the hundreds of millions they have turned into true believers, hold these truths to be evident that tolerance and non-discrimination of alien tribes and customs within Western society is something so devoutly to be wished that it justifies a gigantic funding of such entities in matters ranging from subprime mortgages for illegal aliens to subsidized mosques for invited jihadis, to the changing of the Western way of life — from textbooks to to animal slaughter practices. Barack and Mrs. Obama’s deep commitment to their black racial and ethnic heritage has been in much evidence since their student days and during the presidential campaign. But the white men who were the putative leaders of the counter-Obama forces — John McCain, President Bush and the latter’s grey eminence, Karl Rove — had repeatedly proclaimed the glories of multiculturalism, “diversity” and belief in universal equality as the glue that holds America together, rather than a culture, a language, a history, a body of customs and attitudes, attachment to a particular land and to the ancestors buried there — all of which would have borne the predominant stamp of their race and their ancestral culture. Western blacks vote black, western Muslims vote Muslim, and American Hispanics vote Hispanic. Once in office, “minority” mayors, parliamentarians, cabinet ministers work to further the interests of their respective tribes and their “rainbow coalition,” at the expense of the white majority. They seek to profit by the insanity and weakness of the formerly-white countries in which they live. But the white majority goes on voting black, Muslim and Hispanic, as though such distinctions didn’t matter. The whites will learn otherwise, and they will learn too late. The Stoslo syndrome The Stockholm Syndrome has been in evidence with enough frequency for the term to become a part of the colloquial vocabulary. It’s a neurosis shown by abducted and abused hostages who develop loyalty and identification with their abductor/abuser. The syndrome is named after the 1973 robbery of Kreditbanken in Stockholm, in which bank employees kept by the robbers for six days became emotionally attached to their tormentors. The Oslo Syndrome is a term coined by a Harvard psychiatrist, Kenneth Levin, in his bookThe Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege. It’s a neurosis of a besieged people, unable to withstand the continuous pressure and accepting the indictments of the besiegers in the hope of winning relief and peace. This is the psychological process by which Israel’s deluded leaders embraced Yasser Arafat in 1993 as “peace partner,” even as he was waging war upon them and promising in Arabic to eradicate the Jewish state while promising peace in English. During the 1993 Oslo accords, Levin quotes, “enlightened Israelis were affected with a Messianic craze – they believed that the end of the old Middle East, the end of history, the end of wars and the end of conflict was near. They fooled themselves with delusions, bedazzled into committing an act of Messianic drunkenness.” And so, by way of Stockholm and Oslo, we come to the suicide of the West, the Stoslo Syndrome. It can be defined as a hallucinatory delusion that wars, strife, hate, racism and poverty can end by the West’s unilateral capitulation before that part of the world that’s far more bellicose, strife-torn, racist, poorer, primitive, tribal and lawless, but far less developed, educated, tolerant, ENLIGHTENED. The internal component of this capitulation manifests through the opening of the borders to a stream of what the West used to call “barbarians,” and the transference of empathy, consideration, protection – all expressed through legislation and great sums of the indigenous taxpayer’s money – from the autochthon whites to the foreign invitees. It’s the Oslo syndrome because the West’s obsession with “diversity and tolerance” is an act of Messianic drunkenness, of mass folly with hardly a precedent in history. It is Oslo when Great Britain shelters jihadis so fanatical that they have been expelled by Saudi Arabia, or refuses to deport a rabid Al-Qaeda mullah for fear he will suffer abuse in a Muslim country asking for his extradition. And it’s Oslo in America, where, in addition to a steady influx of Somalis, Sudanis et al., the political establishment and half the country’s population are pushing to open the demographic floodgates from Mexico ever wider, paving the road for la reconquista. But it’s the Stockholm syndrome too because it’s an emotional identification with and protectiveness toward the victimizers – the chaos and social discord generating, states’ treasury emptying and disproportionately criminal Third World invitees-invaders. It’s the Scandinavian judges and feminists blaming Scandinavian women’s blondness and short summer sleeves for their being raped in unprecedented numbers by Muslim savages with Swedish and Norwegian passports. It’s the 42% of the Dutch people who see Dutch (Muslim/Third World) immigration positively even as 61% say that immigration will increase crime. And this when Dutch non-white children are 10-to-6 times more likely, depending on origin, to have parents living on welfare than their white Dutch peers do. The question remains, if the Israelis’ despair is the result of a very long siege by a much larger and implacable enemy, who besieges the Western peoples so as to drive them to their own Oslo? Since 1945, it’s the West’s conscience that has been besieged. It’s a conscience unique to the Judeo-Christian morality. It had been manipulated by the Bolshevik-guided Cominternand by lying Cultural Marxist professors, with the initial modest seeding multiplying vastly through the work of influential writers, directors and other artists and intellectuals whose common denominator was overdeveloped emotions and moral sensibilities at the expense of rational thought. They all magnified “the original sin” of Western Man, from racism to capitalism, colonialism to imperialism, with no mention that such and other sins and “sins” had manifested throughout history in every human race and society. All held territory everywhere was obtained by conquest and frequent genocide. Slavery, even in the 19th century, was practiced far more and more cruelly in Asia and Africa than it was in America. All people were once racist, xenophobic and misogynist. With the exception of whites, most still are. Even Hitler’s evil was unique more by its Germanic planning, technology and efficiency of execution than by being qualitatively different from what Muslim, African Negro, Amerindian, Bolshevik and East Asian tyrannies had done to conquered or otherwise subject populations. Moreover, the Comintern/ Frankfurt School/ Gramscian besiegers had left out the unique and enormous good that European civilization has wrought over the ages. And so, the Stoslo Syndrome snatched people into Podisms, into a cult of delusional zombies. But the unfolding downfall of the West is not only the work of utopian naïfs, but also of clever connivers. The 50-50 solution One by one, the countries of the West reach and surpass the 50-50 ratio in which at least 50% of the population works for or lives off the government. The United States has been a notable exception, but eight years of a ruinous Bush administration capped by four years of a ruin-equalizing Obama administration will have eliminated that anachronism. Where the 50 -50 State exists there is no hope, under democracy, of regaining civic liberty, relief from rapacious taxation and from inundation by low-skill, low-culture aliens. The ruling elites may have instigated the Body Snatching scheme, but many of the elite are smart and cynical men [sic] whose main aim in life is Looking Out for Number 1. Their complicity in Eurabia, NAFTA, and in the future Republica del Norte is due to a cold calculation that increasing the number of the State’s dependents increases their own power base. Western politicians want a more primitive, manipulable electorate, one more dependent on government handouts. Presto – import a few dozen millions of unassimilable, sub-90 IQ immigrants, and with their breeding rates, within one generation you will have built yourself a fiefdom of pliable and grateful clients. The eternal creeping upwards of social needs, social expenditures, and policies that put the autochthon whites out of profitable work have positive consequences also for those who work for the state. If you are a government employee, the bigger the budget for social services outlay, the larger your leeway for salary increase demands and the larger the soft cocoon into which more state employees can be sucked to consume the taxpayer’s money with unalloyed relish. Not all the Communists in Hell On 14 November 2008, project Charter for Compassion was launched on a website sponsored by a high-profile group of celebrities, the so-called TEDizens. The TEDizens, hailed as the “Brain Trust of the New Economy” include such brains as Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, such hips as Cameron Diaz’s, plus various high-IQ academics and atheists, the whole a self-congratulating gathering of what a friend of mine calls one-world lunatic gerbils. The aim of the Charter of Compassion is “to better the world” according to the wish of a “religious scholar,” Karen Armstrong, by combining universal principles of respect and compassion into a charter based on the "golden rule" that, Ms. Armstrong maintains, is at the core of every mainstream religion. Ms. Armstrong further believes, and with her must her illustrious sponsors, that "The chief task of our time is to build a global society where people of all persuasions can live together in peace and harmony." The Charter for Compassion has a “Council of Sages” of international Christian and Jewish super-dhimmi Body Snatchers and an Islamist supremacist or two, intellectuals all. Incidentally, on the same dame day, a blogger named Zenster posted on the Gates of Vienna blog an essay about the execution of the Bali bombers. Zenster quotes one of the jihadis’ Indonesian sympathizers, “There’ll probably be retaliation. What is clear is that no drop of Muslim blood is free. It has consequences.” Zenster comments that this promises the eternal cycle of violence that Islam has been delivering since 630 AD. He wonders why so few Westerners seem to feel a similar desire for retribution over their kinsmen’s blood spilled in so many Islamic atrocities. “Should Western leaders continue tolerating such hideous rapacity,” Zenster concludes, “their collective inaction must eventually be construed as criminal.” So here is our dilemma. On one side is Larry Page and Sergei Brin with Google’s resources, and Bill Gates, and George Soros and Maurice Strong, and Hollywood’s tinsel and Barack Obama and Angela Merkel and Al Gore and the European Union and the Roman Catholic Church, and the National Council of Churches USA, and the West’s universities, and a host of expensively packaged, solipsistic magic lanterns such as CNN, The New York Times andDer Spiegel, and dhimmi training institutes such as the American Society for Muslim Advancement and Soliya. On the other side is Zenster, and the middle-aged couple in Virginia that maintains the Gates of Vienna blog, and the rest of the few of us here and there. By whom will the Western leaders’ collective inaction be construed as criminal, and what will such construing be worth in view of such a balance of power? To paraphrase again that great teacher, Stalin, “Zenster? How many divisions has he got?” We haven’t got the divisions. We haven’t got the numbers. We haven’t got the unlimited funds the other side has, including its ability to print money. We are surrounded everywhere by Body Snatchers and Pods hatching further Body Snatchers. And they, by far, are the more dangerous and, in the foreseeable future invincible, foe. Islam is indeed in its essence a creed of desert savages, imbued with the bloody ethos of 7th century Arabia. But it’s not nearly the mighty, unstoppable force that we few, we happy few, will repulse at Thermopylae. For one, our ruling elite of Body Snatchers and the great majority of the Pod-citizens, wouldn’t allow it. And it is they who control the police and the armed forces, the sources of employment and the tax collectors, the TV programs and the book publishers. In Great Britain, a presenter for Al-Beeb (known previously as the BBC) was fired for stating that she didn’t want “a guy with a turban” as a taxi driver for her 14-year-old daughter. BBC’s spokesman said that such a comment was “completely unacceptable.” Completely? Is that so? Incidentally, in Toronto, a certain Muhammad Parvez, a taxi driver, had just murdered his daughter because she would not wear the head-covering rag that goes by different Arabic names – all of which we should refuse to learn. Toronto Life’s report of this deed states, “Canada prides itself on its multiculturalism and condemns institutionalized patriarchy. But there is growing concern that recent waves of Muslim immigrants aren’t integrating, or embracing our liberal values.” “Growing concern” about “waves of Muslim immigrants”? But the “growing” of this apparently heretofore-unwarranted concern is retarded in the cognitive sense by 50 IQ points, and in the chronological sense, by 30 years! The counter-jihad movement has circled its wagons against encroaching Islam, while Islam’s shock troops in the West are the white ruling elites. It’s just a few stragglers outside the wagons. The main enemy force is on the left flank. There are probably 30 millions Muslims in Western Europe and perhaps 6 million in North America. But there are maybe 300 million leftists in Western Europe, and over 68 million Americans, 53% of votes cast, voted for the leftist Messiah and erstwhile Indonesianmadrassa pupil. And no effective counter-jihad action will be possible when every agent of mayhem, chaos, social deterioration and economic calamity is being sheltered by giant crowds of Body Snatchers, Pods, dhimmis, traitors and idiots. An otherwise perceptive military commentator, Ralph Peters, once predicted that there would be civil wars in Europe, with the post-Christian population rising to get rid of the Muslim nightmare in its midst, and achieving it quickly and easily. But the U.S. Army Colonel (Ret.) had not thought it through. Because when the U.S. Marines will be landing in Normandy to help the beleaguered continent, it’s the Muslim minority they will have come to help. There is not a single person in America with a current chance of reaching the White House, whose administration would choose otherwise. CAIR is now an official adviser to both the CIA and the U.S. Marine Corps. Recently, a Marine veteran whose son had been killed in a jihadi attack was issued a citation by the Military Police for displaying "offensive material": a decal on his van, reading “No Quarter - Islamic Terrorist.” Our societies are far gone, and there are no discernible ways to reverse the foul tide. We have to escape the grip of the Body Snatchers before we can escape the hold of the “Religion of Peace.” But defeating the Body Snatchers is impossible in the near future. This battle is lost -- but the future is not. The battle is lost because the minds of the great majority of the Western people are lost. If you want to know where the future is headed, a just-published survey from the organization once known as YWCA and now designating itself eliminating racism, empowering women, ywca (all in lower case and inseparable) provides a good indicator. Entitled “What Women Want -- A National Survey of Priorities and Concerns” [pdf], the survey’s conclusion is this: “GENERATION Y IS UNIQUE – Generation Y women (aged 18-29) distinguish themselves from all older generations of women (aged 30-70) by their levels of interest in, and concern about, issues of racial tolerance and discrimination” 77% of young women (18-29) respondents said that “civil rights and racial justice” should be a “top priority” for Barack Obama’s administration, while 54% of older women expressed the same opinion. The poor young things, who said further that discrimination against blacks and Hispanics is a “very serious problem in the U.S. today” and who desire above all that the Obama administration “do something” about it. The election of the first black president in Western history, with the current president’s choice cabinet positions having been occupied by blacks and Hispanics for eight years now means to Pods only that a lot more “work” remains to be done. You, reading this, are the racist that charges these young women with hatred and revulsion, and you are who they aim to work on. These are the wombs from which generation Z will issue. After that, no more letters in the alphabet. The tidal wave of hysterical stupidity, having reached its nadir, will have crashed onto Brain Snatcher civilization. Generation Y, particularly its “racism” obsessed women, might have been named as well for that portion of their buttocks showing between the low-slung jeans and the dorsal tattoo. Superficial differences notwithstanding, their aggressive stupidity, lockstep thinking, shallow conformism, and boundless enthusiasm for The One are portrayed most convincingly in a documentary film, Triumph of the Will, made in another country, in another era: Germany, 1934. Our people have been snatched and they will not return to normal, ever. Except after a catastrophe, which is the probable end of Body Snatcher society through a confluence of economic, energy depletion, demographic, and jihadi scenarios. All catalyzed further through the Idiocracy factor, with the West’s population degenerating continuously with respect to intelligence, learning, use of language, culture, values, discernment of the good, the true, even the useful. We will not be able to prevent that catastrophe; we can only learn how to survive it and emerge stronger, and serve then as a core model for the disoriented, shell-shocked multitude of the Pods. Right now, this is how we look: on the ground, surrounded by the jackboots not of brown jihadis but of those who once were like us, but no longer are: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) The basic analogy reverts to Part 1, where we cited the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers. In the film, alien “Body Snatchers” produce giant legume Pods that replace living people while appearing to be identical to them. From the Pods develop the new Body Snatchers who cultivate further Pods etc. Here, I use these terms interchangeably, usually preferring Pods as a catchall term, and Antipod as the antithesis of Pod. From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 1: The March of the Body Snatchers, 28 October 2008 From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 2: From the Clenched Fist to the Raised Middle Finger, 1 November 2008From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 3: From Encirclement to Breakout
From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 3: From Encirclement to Breakout
When asked if the Marines were retreating, Gen. Smith responded, "Retreat? Hell, we're attacking in a different direction!" During that encirclement, one of Smith’s officers, Colonel and later legendary USMC general himself, Lewis Puller, said to his soldiers, “Remember, you are the 1st Marines! Not all the Communists in Hell can overrun you!"
Nor can all the legume Pods in Hell overcome a small group of thinking, united Western people of sound character, minds grounded in traditional wisdom and learning, staunchly determined to refuse to partake in Pod society’s problems and their “solutions.”
See also:
Thursday, 27 November 2008
From the desk of Takuan Seiyo on Thu, 2008-11-27 10:22
From the desk of Takuan Seiyo on Thu, 2008-11-27 10:22
Posted by
Britannia Radio