G20 To Begin Implementation Of Global Financial Dictatorship
Powerbrokers attending this weekend's watershed G-20 conference will set in motion plans for a new world economic order, the end of the dollar as the world reserve currency, and the centralization of financial power into an internationalist inner circle of regulators completely above oversight or accountability.
• With Its Failed Policies, Government Triggers “A Return of Systematic Risk to Credit Markets”
• G-20: Shaping a new world order
• America’s economic crisis is beyond the reach of traditional solutions
• Europe Economy Falls Into First Recession in 15 Years
• I.O.U.S.A. Misses Point
• Whitehead: slump worse than Depression
• Moore’s new doc will tackle economy
Obama and the Rogue Regime
Barack Obama is receiving lots of advice from many people these days about the collapse of Wall Street, the sinking economy and the quagmire wars he will inherit from the Bush regime.
• Hillary Clinton ‘to be U.S. foreign chief’: Obama poised to pick his former rival
• Dems seem uninterested in regulating White House political office under Obama
Sarkozy Pushes for Abandonment of Dollar as World Reserve Currency
There have been many previous indications that the dollar would not remain the world’s reserve currency for long. But this is a dramatic statement by a close American ally.
• Dollar supremacy, 1945 story: Sarkozy
• Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged
• Jobless claims hit 25-year high, imports plunge
UK government preparing extra graves for pandemic?
The disturbance of human remains in burial grounds is to be allowed for the first time since the early Victorian era to deal with a shortage of graves, The Times has learnt.