Monday, 10 November 2008

Guns and God
Where were the gun owners on election day? If only 50% of gun owners voted, roughly 40 million strong, even vote fraud could not have pushed Obama over the top. If every gun owner in this country voted last week, or close to 100% against Obama, I wouldn't be writing this column. How many gun owners voted for Obama for the promise of 'universal health care'? Congress has NO authority to legislate such a monstrosity that would put a bullet through the heart of an already comatose economy. How many gun owners voted for Obama because he promised to create jobs? The president has NO authority to create a single job.......
by Devvy Kidd

And Out of the Ashes, the Phoenix Shall Rise
On the first count, if conservatism is “dead”, then it has been dead for some time. By that I mean that people who equate the Republican Party with “conservatism” know little about either. This election was certainly not about “conservatives” versus “liberals” as many would have you believe. This election was about a leftist globalist Democrat running against a big-government globalist Republican.......
by Chip McLean

Lawsuit Continues Over Obama's Birth Records
Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Pennsylvania attorney who filed a lawsuit suit against Barack H. Obama, challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, filed a Writ of Certiorari in the United States Supreme Court. Berg is taking legal action in order to view President-Elect Barack Obama's birth certificate and other similar documents. Surprisingly, no one has seen Obama's birth records.......
by NWV News

First Change - The Long Emergency, Part 2
Because President-elect Obama cried change, will he address real transformation toward a sustainable society or continue ‘fatuous change’ as he continues ‘consensus trance’? If he maintains his support of unlimited population growth within the United States, Obama cannot help but accelerate and magnify our growing environmental and societal dilemmas........
by Frosty Wooldridge