How Government Disguises Its Agenda to Fool the People
The idea that you could disguise a huge elephant by making him wear sunglasses was obviously preposterous- it is no less preposterous that the attorneys believe that using the initials CIR instead of the term Comprehensive Immigration Reform would confuse us! Clearly the immigration lawyers know where their bread is buttered!.......
by Former INS agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
Michigan's Future is Beyond Bleak
Over the past eight years and as of Sept. 28, 2008, Michigan has lost at least 315,000 manufacturing jobs, a reduction of 35.5 percent since the year 2000. Since it seems that, daily, the state’s newspapers carry more and more stories about failing businesses, job losses, or employee layoffs while at risk companies restructure, God only knows how many more non-manufacturing jobs were lost during that time, as well as from both job sectors in October ‘08 and during the first weeks of November........
by Carole CJ Williams
You Have No Right To Say I Can't Own One More Gun
It seems as though some people think that everyone who owns a firearm is going to go out and kill someone, therefore all guns should be banned to save lives. According to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, there are approximately 192 million privately owned firearms in the United States. If the reasoning used by these people is correct, there would be 192 million firearm deaths per year and there would be 192 million people sitting in jails for killing someone with a firearm. Let's do the math.......
by Neil Ross
Chump Change
During the presidential race Democrats were so committed to “change” and the counterintuitive claim that McCain represented a third Bush term (despite McCain's significant record of mucking up GOP goals and objectives) they somehow neglected to mention electing Barack Obama could result in a third Bill Clinton term (albeit arguably without the erstwhile bimbo eruptions...)........
by Geoff Metcalf
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
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Britannia Radio