Wednesday, 19 November 2008

I feel your pain, Rosie, Ellen and Melissa
Liberal Hollywood elites have also gotten into the act. In a recent article, “Hollywood joins the furor over gay marriage ban,” Derrik J. Lang describes their outrage over its passage and their disdain for those who supported it. Someone needs to inform the “stars” that many people reject the mainstreaming of homosexuality because of their religious convictions. People of faith have a right to defend their values – and they don’t much care what Brad Pitt thinks. Sorry.......
by Marsha West

Republicans Invite Bad Press Coverage
The Washington Times has a front-page story about House Republican Eric Cantor, who charges that “the Republican Party in Washington is no longer ‘relevant’ to voters and must stop simply espousing principles…” The story seems designed to help Cantor capture the number two position in the House Republican leadership. But deep inside the article we learn that Cantor “ended up voting for the Democrats’ [Wall Street bailout] bill.”......
by Cliff Kincaid

Wallstreet bailout; where’s the money going?
What is very evident, however, is that what Congress claimed, concerning the “impending financial crisis,” wasn’t true. It is also apparent that many in Congress believed what they were told by the White House. Since when has President George W Bush been known to tell the truth about anything?.......
by Lynn Stuter