I gave this morning a glimpse of what the Brown-Darling pair are
actually doing with the economy right now ("In the real world there
are problems galore despite the second coming! ") which is fiddling
rather than managing, with previous excesses uncurbed.
xxxxxxxxxxx cs
The Tory Quest For A Fiscal Holy Grail Is Doomed
Brown's golden rules have been exposed as a sham, says Irwin Stelzer,
but the Tory response has been feeble. Their target should be the
PM's feathering of Old Labour nests
The good news is that Gordon Brown's golden rules are no more. These
rules did not stop the then chancellor from launching a spending
binge. They did not stop him from spilling red ink all over the
nation's books at a time when the flow of cash into the Treasury was
at record levels. They did not stop him from raising taxes, 60 times
by some counts. They did not stop him from redistributing income from
wealth-creators to wealth-consumers.
What the rules did do was provide the curtain behind which this
latter-day Wizard of Oz could hide, give him the distraction on which
magicians rely to prevent audiences from following their sleight-of-
hand. Pay no attention to my tax-and-spend, I am adhering to the
golden rules I invented.
And in the end, when his 2002 promise that 'at all times - now and in
the future - we will never compromise our commitment to meet our
fiscal rules and disciplines' became inconvenient, Brown sent his
chosen successor into the newly cruel world to announce, 'To apply
the fiscal rules in a rigid manner today would be perverse.' Indeed,
Alistair Darling has no intention of applying them in a rigid or any
other manner. Golden rule, R.I.P. rules that are jettisoned when they
become inconvenient hardly qualify for that designation. It is as if
we were all allowed to disregard the speed limit when we are in a
hurry - not very binding, such rules.
The fiscal rules that were Brown's guarantor against 'boom and bust'
are not the only casualties of the current credit crisis and
recession. The independence of the Bank of England has been seriously
compromised. Now, the Bank was never truly independent, since the
Chancellor has the power to appoint and, if he is unhappy, to fail to
reappoint the Governor and the members of the monetary policy
committee. He also sets the inflation target, currently at 2 per
cent, a single mandate that has prompted Mervyn King to keep interest
rates higher than any sensible economist would countenance. Now that
inflation is clicking along at an annual rate in excess of 5 per
cent, the Chancellor has signalled the Bank that it need not worry
just now about meeting its 2 per cent target - better to lower
interest rates to support the government's efforts to stimulate the
economy. Gone is the notion that an independent bank's primary job is
to tighten monetary policy when it feels the government is playing
fast and loose with fiscal policy. Or at least to apply the judgment
of its monetary policy gurus, rather than take 'advice' from Number
11 - more precisely, Number 10.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio