A report by the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) to be published on Tuesday will claim the responsibility for the banking crisis lies largely with the Labour Government's decision to remove responsibility for banking oversight from the Bank of England. Its publication comes as surveys show collapsing consumer spending and business confidence, with company bosses becoming more cautious about their trading prospects and investment plans. The author of the CPS report, ex-Conservative MP and former shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, Howard Flight, said that although the banking sector had to take some blame, Labour policies that led to excessive money supply growth, excessive borrowing and the assumption that "boom and bust had ended" were the chief reasons for the crisis. Mr Flight said: "The responsibility for the probability of a UK banking crisis can be laid largely at the current Government's door. The roots are in mistaken monetary and economic policies and in regulatory failure. "The Government's instruction to the Bank of England to meet a 2.5pc retail price inflation measurement was deeply flawed. It led to an excessive increase in the money supply, as a result of which banks lent incautiously." Looking forward, Mr Flight calls for interest rates to be cut substantially to ward off the near-term risk of deflation. He also wants infrastructure investment financed by the private sector to be brought forward to stimulate the economy. Furthermore, said Mr Flight, if the recession turns out to be as severe as the report anticipates, personal and corporate taxes should be cut, and more banking support should be offered to small businesses. On public borrowing, Mr Flight accuses the Government of "gross mismanagement" of public finances. He claims the Government has put the recovery of the private sector at risk by not saving during the boom years and now planning a huge public-sector spending spree. His comments come as a poll of 500 company bosses by the Institute of Directors found that the proportion who were preparing for worsening trading conditions hit a new high in September, prompting the institute to warn that its members were now preparing to "postpone or cancel altogether" significant amounts of business investment. Graeme Leach, the institute's chief economist, said: "The falls in business confidence and investment intentions take us into completely uncharted territory." A negative balance of 37pc of those polled were less optimistic about their company's prospects, compared with -25pc in June. The balance of those who were less optimistic about the investment outlook fell to -48pc, from -34pc previously. The survey follows a prediction from the insolvency profession that business failures will rise by 41pc on 2007 levels by the end of next year, an increase that its trade body R3 described as "catastrophic". Official figures from the Insolvency Service are due out this Friday and are expected to show a significant jump on the 15pc year-on-year increase in insolvency seen in the three months to June. Last week, Experian, the credit information group, said that it had recorded a 28pc increase in business failures between July and September compared with the same period last year. Retailers, including some major high street players, are being hit particularly hard by the downturn. The Confederation for British Industry reported on Friday that retail sales volumes fell for the seventh month in a row during October, with a balance of 27pc more retailers reporting weaker sales than a year ago, the same as in September. Hitwise, which tracks UK internet traffic, found that even online retailers were being affected, with total traffic falling 0.5pc in October, the first annual decline this year. ================== Gordon Brown has flown to Saudi Arabia for talks amid fears that the International Monetary Fund is running out of money . The Prime Minister's four-day tour comes as concern mounts that the IMF's £155 billion reserves may not be enough for future bailouts of struggling states. The fund has already allocated around £18.6 billion in emergency loans to Iceland, Hungary and Ukraine. Pakistan has also signalled it may apply for aid within the next fortnight. In contrast, members of the oil producers' cartel Opec, are estimated to have more than £311 billion in foreign exchange reserves. Mr Brown said: "Everybody has got a part to play in solving the world downturn. I think the oil-rich states will want to play their part." He is also expected to tell the oil-rich Middle Eastern states they must maintain their oil production levels to avoid "spikes" in prices. He added: "My main focus is how we can help British families through this downturn, but because these are global problems they require global solutions. "The Saudis and other countries in the Gulf states are very important. They are the countries with great revenues and oil wealth." He said his plan was for a "greater co-ordination" of policies and hoped the talks would result in the countries working together to deal with a variety of situations. He claimed these included tackling problems preventing banks from lending money, making progress on world trade and reforming the world's financial system. "Now if we can do these things we restore confidence into the banking system and into the whole financial system," he added. Mr Brown insisted he was not going to the Gulf with a "begging bowl", and his trip would be vital for British families. "So what starts with negotiations in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere can end with far greater security and safety for families and businesses in Britain." The growing importance of Middle East capital was highlighted on Friday when it emerged British bank Barclays raised £7.3 billion from investors in the region to shore up its position. Mr Brown flew to the Middle East with energy and climate change secretary Ed Miliband. Business secretary Lord Mandelson and a delegation of senior executives from British firms are expected to join the pair later. A Downing Street spokesman said the prime minister was also expected to urge the Gulf states to invest in renewable energy sources "over the longer term". He denied the West was going "cap-in-hand" to the Middle East in a bid to shore up the IMF reserves. "It's recognising that it's in everyone's interests that there is stability and growth in the markets and that's equally in the interests of states in the Gulf region," he said. "The Gulf states are in a position as states with significant wealth, significant resources that they can contribute to the refinancing and stability of the financial system." The visit is understood to be part of the preparations for a summit on forging new international financial rules, to be held in the US on November 15.Labour to blame for banking crisis, new report claims
Government borrowing will balloon to £100bn this year as the country pays the price for failed monetary and economic policies.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
Gordon Brown flies to Middle East amid fears over IMF wealth
Last Updated: 4:15PM GMT 01/11/2008
Gordon Brown flew to the Middle East with energy and climate change secretary Ed Miliband
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Britannia Radio