Last Updated: Wednesday, November 5, 2008 13:30 GMT Now That Obama Has Won . . . There is No Excuse Gary “New World Order” Hart Hails Obama Massachusetts voters decriminalize marijuana The More Things “Change” The More They Stay The Same Obama urged to shape new economic order
Will Obama "Change" The Bush Police State Or Expand It?
Now that Barack Obama has become the 44th President of the United States we offer a challenge - will those who elected him be able to progress past their fawning idolatry and actually pressure Obama to deliver on his mandate of "change," or will the architecture of the Bush police state remain in place while the American empire expands?
• Ron Paul: No “Change” Is On The Horizon
• The Price Paid for the Republican Rejection of Ron Paul
• Obama Foreign Policy May Differ Less From Bush’s
Now that a Democrat has been elected president, the Democrats in Congress have no excuse. They can no longer pretend that they have to “hold back” to win the election.
If you want Obama to win, you can’t take victory for granted.
• Iran warns U.S. military after Obama win
• Bush calls Obama to congratulate him on win
• Can Obama’s Win Lead to Meaningful Health Care Reform? 13 Urgent Suggestions for a Healthy USA
Endless analysis in coming months will focus on the meanings of this election, and the interpretations will be as varied as the analysts' many biases. For there is something here for everyone.
• Insiders will stay in control
• McCain promises to help Obama
First ID cards for Britons next year
Jacqui Smith is set to defy union opposition and announce that the first Britons will have to apply for compulsory identity cards from autumn next year.
Massachusetts voters have approved Question 2, which eliminated criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of cannabis.
The messianic fervor which has preceded Barack Obama’s expected ascension to the White House has alarming implications for freedom and is a painful reminder that most Americans have once again been suckered into believing that the two-party monopoly offers any kind of solution to the crisis that we face.
• Could Voter Fraud Steal the 2008 Election?
Political leaders urged U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday to help forge a new economic order and lead the world out of its worst financial crisis since the 1930s.
• Obama Overhaul of Finance Rules May Lead to Clash With Industry
• Europe Hails Obama Win, Calls for “New Deal”
• Pros Say: Obama Win = Oil Up, Dollar Down
An Argentinean voice from the economic wilderness
Go Get Your Dollars Out Now! FAST! There was a sense of urgency to that statement, an offer I found hard to refuse or at least to read.
Venezuela’s Chavez hails ’strategic’ relations with Russia
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has held up Russian economic cooperation as evidence of the two countries' "strategic" relations, the Mexican media reported on Wednesday.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
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Britannia Radio