Monday, 24 November 2008

Prof . Paul Eidelberg -Countless Jews are appalledor dumbfounded (A SOLUTION)
For original article click on this link:


Wonderful article .   As usual, Paul has a brilliant mind and is a clear thinker .   I have often argued that you cannot be in Israel as a Jew and deny the Torah because the Torah is our deed to the land and if you deny it, the arguments of the enemies of Israel are right:  What are you doing here!


The only argument that makes sense is that G-d gave this land to the Jews as described in the Torah .   This is our Deed to the Land .   There are many scientists who are currently proving that the Torah is an accurate and scientific document, historically and otherwise .   So, those who deny the Torah and deny their Judaism altogether really have no business being here and certainly should not be in positions of political power, since they have absolutely no understanding about the legality of Jews possessing the land .


I want to be very careful here in specifying those who deny the Torah as those who are declared atheists and those who do not believe in the Torah .   I am in no way implying how observant or not a Jew is or in what manner he/she chooses to be observant .   This is subject to much interpretation and furthermore, Rabbi Isaac Luria wrote that in the end times, it would be so difficult to comply with all 613 commandments, that just by declaring that there is only One G-d, it will be as if he complied with all 613!  So, this is not a statement to give license for men to judge each other as to how compliant they are with the laws and their interpretation by the Rabbis (which is also a subject of tremendous debate and disagreement) .   It is not for us to judge each other in this regard .  


As long as we acknowledge and accept the Torah and Hashem --- as long as we believe in the Shma Yisroel, Hashem Echad and that the Torah is true and given to us by G-d where it clearly defines His gift to B’nai Yisrael, the degree to which someone is or isn’t observant according to which Rabbis or interpreters of the Torah is a separate issue and it is up to Hashem and not us to judge .  


On the other hand, Pastor Hagee has it right .   I personally heard him declare in Miami that:  “No man!  Not any President of the U . S . , not any Prime Minister of Israel, not the UN, has any right to give even one inch of the land G-d gave to the Jewish people away!”  (Hagee continued:  “And do you know why?  Because G-d loves the Jewish people!  And do you know why?  Because they are the apple of his eye!”) .   Well, it is amazing that a righteous Christian would have a better understanding of this matter and believe more in the Torah than most members of the Knesset!  In any event, this is the kind of belief in the Torah that Jews must have to legitimize claim to the land .   This land is our land because as it says in the song of the “Exodus”: 


“This land is mine, G-d gave this land to me!”


Things are looking increasingly grim and I am terrified not only for Israel , but for the whole world .   It is becoming increasingly apparent that we can only turn to Hashem for help!  As it says in the Torah:  (I’m not a scholar and don’t know the exact citation)


“Eso eynai, el heharim, meayin yavo Ezri?  Ezri me im Hashem, Oseh Shamayim Va Haaretz!”

