Monday, 10 November 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

What have you been saying?

Here we go again, writes Marta Andreassen for The Times today, for the 14th year in a row, the European Court of Auditors will unveil their report, telling us that they refuse to clear the EU accounts. What's worse, no one will really seem to care. 

And she's absolutely dead right! Nobody actually gives a damn. The Daily Mailhas a bit of fun with the report but, by tomorrow evening, its own report will be the electronic equivalent of fish and chip wrapping.

If we – as a collective - really did care, we would do something about it. We don't - not deep-down, storming the barricades caring … so we don't. Funny, I wrote a piece about this a while ago. Perhaps we ought to start a blog of the same name.

Meanwhile, after this, one of our avid – so he tells us – readers sent us the screen grab pictured above (click to enlarge). He lives in Turkey and clicked on his "favourites" to get his daily dose of EU Referendum and this is what he got. "What have you been saying?" he wrote.

It is a wee bit scary to think there is the technology that can do that. Won't be so long before they're doing it here, or planning an EU directive to the same effect. But, what the hell, we can always go and look at Margot Wallström. That's always good for a laugh.

As for the EU's accounts. WGAD.


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Matters to do with the late unpleasantness in the former colonies

We interrupt our normal programmes to bring you some more news about the President-Elect of the former colonies, now unaccountably grown from 13 to 50 (not 57 but then Nancy Reagan did not conduct seances in the White House, either).

First, a very judicious account of what happened and what can possibly be expected by Mark Coalter on the Conservative History Journal blog.

Neo-neocon, one of my favourite bloggers, who intersperses excellent political analyses with postings about food and ballet, writes about a subjectI mentioned as well, that is the curious attitude to political women in this election.

The Anchoress has a wonderful cartoon that speaks louder than words.

More worryingly, President-Elect Obama has not started off well on his foreign policy remit, as I write over on the BrugesGroupBlog. Will the Europeans like what they have got as the leader of their greatest ally? Hmmm.