Monday, 10 November 2008

November 10, 2008  


Dear Pastors:     


I am sending you a Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI) statement put out by my Kansas Hebrew friend, Esther Levins. It was published November 7th and is relative to the U.S. Treasury Department sponsoring Shariah-Compliant Fiance [SCF].  Opposition to the Treasury Department doing this is led by my friend, Frank Gaffney, President of The Center for Security Policy.  It is self-explanatory. 









UCI statement Opposing Shariah-Compliance Finance (SCF)

Esther Levens, CEO & Founder - Nov 07, 2008
UCI Exclusive

The Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI) has joined with a newly formed bipartisan interfaith group, The Coalition to Stop Shariah. The purpose of the new group, led by The Center for Security Policy president, Frank Gaffney, is to call attention to the U.S. Treasury Department sponsorship of Shariah-Compliant Finance (SCF). Many other large national organizations are on board protesting the intrusion of religious Shariah Law into the U.S. banking system.

A press conference was held November 6 at the National Press Club by the new Coalition group to oppose the workshop entitled “Islamic Finance l0l”. Members who addressed the press conference opposed a seminar being held at the Treasury Department headquarters that same day, designed to influence the invited U.S. government policy community. The seminar was made possible by a collaboration between the U.S. Treasury Department and Harvard University

The Unity Coalition for Israel presented the following statement of protest at the Stop Shariah Press Conference, pointing out the many dangers implicit in adopting Shariah-Compliant Finance.

Unity Coalition for Israel
Statement Opposing Shariah-Compliant Finance(SCF)
Implementation by U.S. Treasury Department
November 6, 2008

The United States Treasury is holding a workshop Thursday, November 6th, to train U.S. government personnel in Shariah-Compliant Finance (SCF).

The Unity Coalition for Israel opposes this indoctrination and takes a firm position against the incorporation of Shariah-Compliant Financing in U.S. financial institutions.

The current global financial crisis makes the U.S. vulnerable to schemes being advanced to put our financial house in order. SCF has the potential for far-reaching consequences even more dangerous than those we face today. The U.S. would make a grave mistake to adopt SCF.

It is incumbent upon all to gain a clear understanding of exactly what Shariah Law means and how it would impact, not only U.S. financial affairs, but also have consequences that would conflict with our constitutional rights. Shariah is a many faceted system based on strict Islamic adherence to the Koran and to the Hadith commentaries on the Koran. By mandating compliance with these restrictive religious laws, SCF would become an instrument for the spread of a radical ideology throughout the U.S. banking system.

Shariah-Compliant Finance is only one aspect of Shariah Law. Shariah imposes restrictions on every aspect of Muslim life. It requires non-Muslims to live as dhimmis and be treated as second-class citizens in a brutal and demeaning way. It mandates discrimination against women and non-Muslims, demands the murder of homosexuals, adulterers and apostates, and requires violent Jihad against all “infidels” including Christians, Jews, Buddhists and others. It is also characterized by such barbaric practices as beheadings, female genital mutilation, amputations for petty crimes, and martyrdom and suicide bombings - all perpetrated in the name of Allah.

Shariah Law is seditious because it calls for the violent overthrow of governments like that of the United States and the replacement of democratic constitutional law with its own theocratic code. It seeks to establish Muslim rule around the globe. Shariah is violently practiced in Afghanistan , Iran , Sudan and Saudi Arabia , some of the most oppressive regimes in the world.

How does SCF work? Shariah financed profit derives its monetary interest from returns on investment in companies that must be purified by donating a portion of their profits to charity. “Charities” that receive these donations are selected by Shariah experts who are members of an oversight Board. There are allegations that some of the profits support major Muslim organizations suspected of having ties to terrorism. Indeed, recipients such as the Holy Land Foundation, the Benevolence International Foundation and the Global Relief Foundation were closed in December 2001 for allegedly supporting Islamic terrorism.

Some analysts are concerned that Islamic banking will open Western financial institutions to help further the broader Islamic agenda. It can mean the gradual imposition of the repressive Shariah Islamic Law across America . How can we justify Western bankers promoting practices that would institutionalize and legitimize such action?

The Unity Coalition for Israel strongly recommends that no action be taken to impose Shariah-Compliance Financing on the United States financial system.