Obama and ACORN Officials Set Sights on Gunowners
"Obama has called for a 'civilian national security force' as powerful as the US military, comments that were ignored by the vast majority of the corporate media but compared by conservatives to the Nazi Hitler Youth," warns Baker........
by NWV News
Many Illegals Belong to Spy, Terror Organizations or Drug Cartels
The safety of our nation begins at its borders. It is therefore essential that our borders be secured and that our immigration bureaucracy honor those who abide by the laws and seeks to weed out those who would commit fraud.......
by former INS Agent, Michael Cutler, Ret.
Why Gay Marriage Bans Succeeded and Republicans Lost
Like the ERA, same-sex marriage is a equal-rights trojan horse. It must be stopped. The greatest socioeconomic problems are still caused by the feminist-inspired divorce revolution. The immediate and downstream costs to women, children, men, and the taxpayer are horrendous. We see them reflected every day in the media .. the plight of dissatisfied heroic single mothers; children abused or neglected, children in trouble, and "deadbeat dads" whose crime is often that they, too, are poor or underemployed........
By David Usher
The Bankruptcy of the Nation and Conservatism
A lot will be said and written about the presidential election, but one central fact remains: John McCain was ahead in the polls until the financial crisis emerged and President Bush was pushed by Treasury Secretary Paulson into seeking a $700-billion Wall Street bailout on September 18. The crisis benefited Obama, even though he voted for the bailout, because he was not a Republican, like McCain or Bush. Republicans were blamed because a Republican was in the White House........
by Cliff Kincaid
John McCain: The Cadaverick
John McCain, in his battle with Barack Obama to become 44th president of the United States, proved himself a terrible salesman and a worse campaign manager. He had the easiest products to sell capitalism, justice, and freedom but was outgunned by an inexperienced man who masterfully hawked socialism to the masses as a means to “fix” the economy, while spending lavishly with other people’s money.......
by Marc Rudov
The People Want A King
Finally, we now have a new President. I have no other course but to give Obama a chance to shine. We must however, hold him and congress vividly accountable to not take away any of our freedoms, not tax us to death and not leave us open to danger. Find your voice and communicate, respectfully and aggressively with your leaders in congress and the white house. We are the branch of Government that MUST find and increase our power or watch the Fairness Doctrine shut all of us down. God bless America and God bless and guide President Elect Obama........
by Laurie Roth
Saturday, 8 November 2008
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Britannia Radio