Friday, 28 November 2008

The Parallax View
A Time to Choose

Jim Kirwan
"Par-al-lax: 1. the apparent change in the position of an object resulting from the change in the direction or position from which it is viewed."
While the American-public has been lost in the paper-world of artificiality, that was the point of the distractions, provided by the last two years of so-called presidential campaigning: Our unilateral & illegal aggressions and occupations have continued and even 'surged' in Iraq, just as that tactic is about to be repeated in Afghanistan, under the blind eyes of Obama's continuance.
While America was cheering and "praying' for 'change' the death struggles of many people's were continuing to play out, unnoticed by us, even as opinion and memories were being seared into millions of lives in the Middle East, by the shear force of American and Israeli arms. Our motivations as well as our weapons and tactics, have gone well beyond 'suspect' since we began this unilateral and illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Meanwhile Israel continues its segregation, starvation, privation, mutilization, torture and murder of the population of Palestine that has been continuing with ever- more- deadly force, over the last forty-years.
In both circumstances the New World Order is trying to force resistant people to accept an imposed tyranny and oppression over not only themselves; but over their natural rights to their own lands and beliefs as well. We have attempted to clothe our murderous policies in "Democracy & Freedom" but anyone even remotely familiar with what we've done to Iraq and Afghanistan knows that this is nothing but Doublespeak for blatant conquest over territories and people that continue to resist all that we continue to attempt to do to them, and to their lands.
The public here needs to begin to see these crimes for what they are; because our continued failure to recognize this truth, may well result in having the exact same situation repeated by hostile forces in this country. The 'truth' literally depends upon what position these crimes are seen from. Those who accept the parroted- propaganda of the media, will see this view of the 'War-on- Terra' as extreme: But if you see this from the other side, then this amounts to little more than a lame attempt to introduce some balance, in the insanity that has continued for over five very long and very expensive years.
What is at-stake in all of our aggressions is the simple principle of who shall retain control over their own lives. Will it be those that owned their land, and had lived their entire lives in what they thought was their nation-or should that land and the thoughts of those living there belong to an alien aggressor force that continues to kill them day and night without cessation?
The New World Order is claiming sovereignty over anything and anyone that dares resist them. Americans have not challenged what is being done in their names and so are personally responsible for all that blood and treasure lost, amid all the theft and corruption, which these wars have tried to conceal from an indifferent American public. But the almost unnoticed facts-on-the- ground in these places we have chosen to attack; are that the resistance is growing stronger, not weaker, despite everything we've tried to do to them.
The Iraqi's, the Afghan's and the Palestinian's in particular represent the resilience of the human spirit; despite the decades of the illegal onslaught that America has supported against them. Contrary to what most Americans seem to believe our 'troops' are not over-there to protect anyone's freedom or democracy-they are there in-service to the international-corporatocracy and to the corporation that the USA has now become. This is not conjecture:
"The gold fringe that surrounds the US flag in US courts and on US military uniforms indicates The International Law of Flags that has come to represent the universal commercial code that functions as the universal code of contracts: this came down to us via British Maritime Law. When we enter a US courtroom today, we are contracting with what is in effect "a corporation" without knowing it. This is what is indicated by the ALL CAPS in which your name appears on your driver's license or any legal papers you might receive. What this means is that 'American courts are operating under the Maritime Law of Contracts, and not under the laws of the US Constitution. By entering the court you have contracted with a corporation (without your direct knowledge) and to be subjected to it laws, over those contained in the United States Constitution.'
US troops in Iraq and elsewhere, as well as a variety of uniformed civil personnel are also wearing the gold-fringed flag on their uniforms. In Iraq of late, soldiers are wearing the US flag backwards, with the stars on the right instead of on the traditional left of the flag. This means that these troops do not represent America they represent USA Incorporated  the same corporation that created the Federal Reserve Bank, based in Washington D.C." (1)
What the above is attempting to describe would seem to be overwhelming, and to some nearly impossible to refute, much less resist. However there are those that have been looking for other perhaps more basic ways, to explore what's really going on and how you or I or anyone; might be able to change all this by coming to some very different views about who we are and who among us should 'own' anyone else. If this parallax view can be reached on Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine: then we can take back this country in the process. I'm referring to Part Three of David Icke's 2006 talk in Britain: "Freedom or Fascism, The Time to Choose." The video is long, about an hour and a half, but what he is able to impart to his viewers is as starkly positive, as the New World Order's continued threats, are vile. (2)
We are so much more than we seem to be to those that understand what is at stake in these last few weeks before the gears of the New World Order become re-engaged. The answer to this attempted seizure of our way of life, lies in our self-awareness, and in our individual ability to alter how we see the so-called world in which we're all trying to live. Armed with an additional $8.5 trillion, the Neo-Cons of the New World Order will take another stab at draining even more from this dying corpse what was the American Financial Empire: So there is an urgency to this process that cannot be overstated: because after January twentieth, there will be a scorched earth policy, in what is left of America, for those that do not yet know who they are or what they want to do about this situation.
Neither Icke's thoughts, (or mine), are meant to 'lecture' anyone because the ideas in his videos and in my work pre-date Christianity by thousands of years. They come from a body of knowledge that the illuminati has tried to hide from the world for centuries. What is presented here are just some choices that have to be left up to each person that chooses to consider them. The information is available from a number of sources and is not meant to be presented as infallible; in fact it's offered here only in the interest of wider-exposure and for discussion of the potentially expanded possibilities that have survived down through the centuries, to the present moment--despite the Illuminati.
This has become more important now because it really is 'time to choose' which way you want to see the world and consequently what part, if any, you will have in the coming events that will alter everything about the world. If we continue to do what the illuminati is demanding then we shall be imprisoned; but if we choose a different path then it might well be that it will be the illuminati that will crash and burn; and we that shall survive! The choice is yours, so why not think about the parallax view?
1) CONTEXT - The Elegant Key to Everything http:// 20.kirwan.elegantkeytoeverything.htm
2) Part 3  David Icke - Freedom or Fascism http://
Part 2  David Icke - Freedom or Fascism
Part 1 David Icke  Freedom or Fascism