Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Possible Gun Ban/Increase Tax Creates Panic
Reported by: Sarah Fortune

Tuesday, Nov 11, 2008 @09:42pm EST

In tough economic times, many businesses are suffering. However, local gun shops are exploding with customers. Many of these customers are buying out of fear rather than pleasure. 

Because Obama won the election David Shotts of Marshall, Illinois is buying his son a semiautomatic shotgun.

"We wanted to go ahead and get the semiautomatic because of the Obama’s possible new gun bans coming out. We'll probably buy some ammunition today to since they're talking about the tax increase."

David isn't the only one with these fears. Joyce Behnke, the owner of The Lost Creek Trading Post Gun tells us her store has never been busier.

"The last week has been really over the top as far as people looking, buying and pricing items like riffles, shotguns, handguns, ammunition," she said. The interesting thing isn't so much 'what' people are buying but 'why.' "I think they're panicked, they're worried about what’s going to be happening in the next four months. They're worried about the gun laws changing and possibly seeing an increase in taxes," said Behnke.

Obama, as an Illinois senator supported a ban on all forms of semiautomatic weapons and tighter state restrictions firearms. What he'll support as president has many people concerned.

Shotts tells WTWO, "It worries me about my kids being able to hunt in the future and future hunting for myself." Like many customers he went ahead and purchased a firearm just incase he couldn't in the future. "I don't know, hopefully he'll (Obama) do good for the county but right now it’s not looking good for the gun owners,” he said.

Nearly 10-years-ago, Obama outlined a plan which would increase federal taxes by 500-percent on sales of firearms and ammunition.
