Wednesday, 5 November 2008

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA!Britain's leading conservative blog
David Cameron: Barack Obama is the first of a new generation of leaders who will deliver change

Picture_9 David Cameron, Leader of the Conservative Party:

"In electing Barack Obama, America has made history and proved to the world that it is a nation eager for change. This has been an exciting and inspirational contest with two great candidates. In these difficult times people everywhere are crying out for change. Barack Obama is the first of a new generation of leaders who will deliver it - he has my whole-hearted congratulations. This is an important moment not just for America but for the world. Barack Obama's victory will give people a new opportunity to look at the United States and see her for what I believe she is - a beacon of opportunity, freedom and democracy."


Louise Bagshawe: Why an Obama victory is good news for the Tories

Louise_bagshawe1 Louise Bagshawe:

"After eight years of one-party rule in the White House, people want change. Al Gore could not get elected even with a popular President and a booming economy. McCain faced eight years, a tanking economy and an unpopular leader. Extrapolating, that tells me that no matter if ComRes says our lead is eight points or YouGov says it's ten, Labour will founder badly at the next election and David Cameron will be Prime Minister."


If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible...