Tuesday, 4 November 2008

PRUDENT BEAR and below Financial Sense.


"We are living through the unthinkable... The list of casualties is very different. What has suffered most is the credibility of the most sophisticated financial systems in the world." Mohamed El-Erian, Pimco Co-CEO, June 25, 2008

Fudging, Fundamentals and the Electoral Cycle
by Rob Kirby

Anyone who’s paying attention has probably noticed that commodities prices have been, shall we say, volatile?

Most economists worth their salt will generally proffer opinions on the sometimes erratic moves in the prices of commodities based on their views of inflation, deflation or possibly even their perceptions regarding where we are in the business cycle. Full article

Financial Sense Editorials

11/03 The Shallowest Generation by James Quinn
11/03 Is This a Hurricane or a Tornado? by Paul Nolte, Nolte Notes
11/03 Why a Gold Standard by Donald Grove, Casey Research
11/03 Th*nk*ng (2012) by Fred Cederholm
11/03 Government and Banking, Who Rules? by Julian Phillips
11/02 Worse than the Great Depression by Krassimir Petrov, PhD
11/02 Financial Sense Junior Gold Index Review by Frank Barbera
11/02 Gold Thoughts by Ned W. Schmidt
10/31 Changing With the Market by Carl Swenlin
10/31 Hitting Bottom by J. R. Nyquist
10/31 Silver Production Falls by 70%? by David Morgan
10/30 An exercise in myth-busting by Hugo Salinas Price
10/30 Dollar Bills Falling On My Head by Puru Saxena
10/29 When Gold is Savaged, How do I Choose a Gold Stock? by Julian Phillips

 bullet Archive for Editorials

Financial Sense University Editorials

11/04 The Ostrich Nation by Janice Dorn, MD, PhD
11/04 Transitions from Bear Markets to Bull Markets by Chris Ciovacco
11/04 IMF Bailout of the US: Economics has less to do with money than power by Darryl Schoon
11/04 How Low Can It Go? by Paul Lamont
11/03 Is It Inflation - or Is It Deflation? by Peter Degraaf
11/03 A Market Turnaround is Getting Closer - Here's Why by Frank Holmes
11/03 Stock Market Choke Points, Part 11A by TimingStrategies, Brian Stoll
11/03 Fed's Balancing Act Getting Tougher by the Day by Captain Hook
11/03 Buffett Rides the Rails by Marie Albin
11/03 Armageddon '08 Concluding? by Gary Tanashian
11/03 US Inflation: Like a Hurricane! by Adrian Ash
11/03 November Market Brief by Christopher Quigley
11/02 FTSE 100 Stock Market Index Forecast Year End Rally by Nadeem Walayat
11/02 Time to Bunker Down by Joe Average aka Dr. William R. Swagell
11/02 Sell Now and Then What? by Sol Palha
11/01 Faith in Assets is Fleeting by Chris Wilson
11/01 Secular Gold Bull by Douglas Gnazzo
10/31 Where the Wildcats Howl, Part I by Adrian Ash
10/31 The Tales Get Taller by Peter Schiff
10/31 The Consumer Votes "No Confidence." by Tony Cherniawski
10/31 Party Time!... Let's Celebrate! by Investment Score
10/31 The Keys to Profit in Challenging Markets by Deepcaster
10/31 Once and For All... by Dr. James Glenn
10/31 The Worst is Likely Behind Us by John Derrick
10/31 Reality Dawning by John Browne