How to make a pig's ear out of a dog's breakfast...
Last updated at 1:36 AM on 04th November 2008
There are some stories which are so preposterous on so many levels that it is difficult to know where to start. Take the case of the Muslim chef suing the police for religious discrimination after being asked to cook sausages.
Hasanali Khoja is accusing Scotland Yard of breaking an agreement that he did not have to handle pork.
It is reported that this deal was done when he was appointed as catering manager at Hendon police college in 2005. Whoever heard of a chef being excused pork?

Apparently, this arrangement worked quite well until he was transferred to a nick in West London, where he was expected to prepare the speciality of the house - the '999 breakfast' which includes bacon, sausages and black pudding.
At this request, Mr Khoja had a fit of the vapours. 'The Met has shown no sensitivity towards my religion. Their response has been ill-thought and discriminatory. No Muslim in my position should have to face such harassment,' he complained.
'I never enrolled to cook pork. I refused to do it. I never did it and I never would.'
Naturally, he now wants a large sum of money by way of com-pen-say-shun - an action which is being supported by the usual bunch of professional troublemakers at the Muslim Police Association.
His lawyer Khalid Sofi said: 'He has genuine and strong religious beliefs and expects that they will be accommodated.'
Of course he does. The Met has a long and undistinguished record of grovelling to this kind of opportunist bullying.
What astonishes me is that he ever applied for a job cooking for policemen in the first place. What, precisely, did he think they serve up in a police canteen - vegetarian samosas?
Actually, under Ian Blair and his deranged 'diversity' policy, the answer is probably: yes.
But that's not the point. The Old Bill marches on its stomach and the Full English is a staple of a policeman's diet. Where would Inspector Jack Frost be without his supply of sausage sarnies?

Hasanali Khoja objected to handling pork while working as a chef for the Met
If Mr Khoja objects to cooking bacon and bangers he should have got himself a job in an Indian restaurant. The curry trade is always crying out for decent chefs, which is why it has to import so many from the sub-continent.
There was a story recently that curry houses were even considering retraining Polish plumbers in the art of the tandoori because of a critical shortage of staff.
As it happens, much as I love a good fry-up, I can't stand the smell of roast pork. So my wife cooks it for herself when I'm out for dinner. For that reason, though, I wouldn't apply for a job as a chef in a restaurant which is famous for barbecued pig's trotters.
Yes, yes, I know that they could have asked someone else to cook the bacon and sausages, but why should they?
When Mr Khoja was interviewed at Hendon, he should have been told in no uncertain terms that the job included cooking pork products. If he had a fundamental objection, he should go and work somewhere else.
Hiring a chef who won't cook sausages to work in a police canteen is like hiring a lifeguard who can't swim.
Typically, I would imagine, the police were so terrified of being accused of 'racism' that they took him on regardless.
Then again, if Mr Khoja really was as devout as he would have us believe, he would never have considered taking a job which would bring him into contact with 'unclean' meat.
Back in June, the Met capitulated and offered an informal agreement that he wouldn't have to handle pork. But that wasn't good enough for him and he's now suspended on full pay pending an industrial tribunal hearing next May.
So for the best part of a year, we're paying his wages and no doubt picking up the bill for legal aid while he pursues his claim.
Why has this crazy action got to wait until May to be heard? It shouldn't take more than five minutes to resolve. Worst case, the Old Bill pays up his notice period and sends him away to look for another job.
And why are the Muslim Police Association involved? Mr Khoja isn't a policeman. Come to that, there shouldn't be a Muslim Police Association. But, then again, I'm not surprised. This is about political leverage, about who runs the police - senior management or the racially motivated awkward squad.

The full English breakfast, favoured by Met staff
At a wider level, it's just another example of the concerted campaign to impose a Muslim veto on public life in Britain.
We've already had supermarkets bowing to pressure from Muslim checkout staff who refuse to sell alcohol. They should all be sacked. If you don't want to sell booze, don't get a job in an off-licence.
Then there was the case of the forklift truck driver who claimed it was religious discrimination to be asked to shift pallets of wine and beer from one side of the warehouse to the other. He wasn't being forced to drink it, for heaven's sake.
And plenty of Muslim shopkeepers happily stock alcohol - and sausages, bacon and pork scratchings - without feeling it compromises their religious beliefs in any way.
At least on this occasion, the police are resisting Mr Khoja's vexatious lawsuit. Good job, too, otherwise we'll have Hindus applying for jobs at McDonald's and then refusing to sell burgers. Or devout Catholic canteen staff refusing to cook anything but fish on Fridays.
On that note, I'll leave it for now. All this talk of fry-ups has given me an appetite. I could murder a bacon sandwich.
Does anyone want to live on a diet of tripe?
I can always tell when I've struck a raw nerve when I get monstered in The Guardian and on the BBC.
My remarks on Friday about dismantling the bloated Beeb obviously hit home. Their usual tactic is not to engage in argument but to accuse you of something you haven't said.
On the Today programme, some hysterical woman claimed I wanted to scrap Radios 1, 2 and 3. I didn't write anything of the sort.

Talking tripe: BBC Director general Mark Thompson says that if viewers and listeners don't like what they're given they can always switch off
What I said was that Radios 1 and 2 should be sold off and Radio 3 could seek corporate sponsorship. I'm a big fan of Radio 2, as regular readers know. I just can't see why it needs to be publicly owned. If I could raise the money, I'd buy it myself, just like Chris Evans did with Virgin.
The Guardianistas are terrified of losing control of any part of their state-run broadcasting behemoth.
They despise the tastes and opinions of Middle Britain, which is why they hate the Daily Mail with such venom. We're accused of prudishness and wanting to put an end to all 'edgy' comedy.
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That's garbage and they know it. It's not prudish to object to the filthy, vile taunting of an old man. And jokes about the Queen's front bottom aren't 'edgy', they're crude, witless and disgusting.
Many of you have written to me asking what comes next. Start by writing to your MP and bombarding the Downing Street website. Call Me Dave has got himself on the case, echoing my sentiments last week and promising to cut both the Corporation and the licence fee down to size. Let's hope he puts it in the manifesto.
The BBC suits still don't get it. Director general Mark Thompson said on The Andrew Marr Show that if viewers and listeners don't like what they're given they can always switch off.
'If you go into a restaurant and they've got tripe on the menu and you don't like tripe, don't order tripe.'
The problem with tripe on the BBC is that we all have to pay for it, whether we like it or not.
This killer should not have rights to anything
An illegal immigrant who killed a talented young writer when he drove into her at 60mph is to escape deportation because it would infringe - you guessed - his yuman rites.
Ahsan Sabri had no licence or insurance when he ploughed through a red light and knocked down Oxford graduate Sophie Warne. She died instantly.
But a judge has ruled that sending him back to Pakistan would breach his 'right to a family and private life'.
Lord Justice Sir Martin Moore-Bick said that Sabri's wife, a Christian, could face difficulties in Pakistan.
Tough. She should have thought of that when she married an illegal immigrant.
No consideration was given to the fact that Sophie Warne, who was about to get engaged, lost her life.
Tony Blair used to boast that the yuman rites act was his greatest achievement in politics. Judges fall over themselves to give criminals, illegals and terrorists the benefit of the doubt.
Ahsan Sabri should have forfeited any rights when he slaughtered an innocent young woman.
Playing footsie
This week's edition of You Couldn't Make It Up comes from Lambeth, where the council is spending £90,000 on foot massages for young tearaways.
Reflexologists are being sent into schools to 'calm aggressive feelings, improve listening skills, concentration and focus'.
Coming soon: Manicures for muggers, botox for burglars and pedicures for paedophiles.