Stop the election: accurate vote count impossible
It is firmly established that Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama's mother) married Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, a Muslim Indonesian citizen. Her new husband adopted Barack Hussein Obama II; his name was legally changed to Barry Soetoro. Obama spent years in Indonesia and attended two Indonesian schools......
by Devvy Kidd
Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Fraud
To make matters even worse it has now been learned that vaccinating women with Gardasil may actually increase the risk that those women harboring a benign cervical HPV viral infection have a 44.6 percent increased risk of having their benign HPV infection converted into a precancerous state by the HPV vaccine administration. Thus women vaccinated with Gardasil not only receive no benefit those who were sexually active before the vaccine administration have become at increased risk for developing cervical cancer........
by Dr. James Howenstine, MD
By this time, eugenics was a growing international movement with the first International Congress of Eugenics held in 1912 with Vice-Presidents Winston Churchill, Alexander Graham Bell, Skull & Bones member Gifford Pinchot, and former Harvard University president Charles Eliot. In this same year, eugenics proponent Woodrow Wilson signed into law a brutal sterilization act, and the next year eugenics adherent Theodore Roosevelt wrote of the need to improve “racial qualities.” Calvin Coolidge wrote similarly in “Whose County Is This?”.......
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D
Obama or McCain: Which One Ignites the Inescapable Backfire?
We drive ourselves into a Faustian dilemma with no way out. We facilitate Hobson’s choice without understanding the result, i.e., if you turn right, you walk off a cliff; if you turn left, you walk into quicksand. And yet, why do so few speak up while most remain silent? It appears people rather live in fear as slaves in a feudal system that to be ridiculed for speaking up.......
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 3 November 2008
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Britannia Radio