China Confidential
Sunday, November 02, 2008
America, Ya Been Hoodwinked
Former Farrakhan Aide: Obama Has Strong NOI Ties
Dateline USA....
Breaking news from Newsmax....
Ken Timmerman reports that Barack Hussein Obama's ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan are deeper than previously known. Timmerman:A former top deputy to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan tells Newsmax that Barack Obama’s ties to the black nationalist movement in Chicago run deep, and that for many years the two men have had “an open line between them” to discuss policy and strategy, either directly or through intermediaries.
“Remember that for years, if you were a politician in Chicago, you had to have some type of relationship with Louis Farrakhan. You had to. If you didn’t, you would be ostracized out of black Chicago,” said Dr. Vibert White Jr., who spent most of his adult life as a member and ultimately top officer of the Nation of Islam.
White broke with the group in 1995 and is now a professor of African-American history at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
White said Obama was “part of the Chicago scene” where Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. and radicals would go to each other’s events and support each other’s causes.
Click here to continue.
A Chicago "radical scene" member is poised to take power. Has America gone crazy?Is this America's Future?
Understanding Obama's Anti-Energy Plan
The man I met in Pennsylvania who lost his job but can’t even afford the gas to drive around and look for a new one – he can’t afford four more years of an energy policy written by the oil companies and for the oil companies; a policy that’s not only keeping gas at record prices, but funding both sides of the war on terror and destroying our planet in the process. He doesn’t need four more years of Washington policies that sound good, but don’t solve the problem. He needs us to take a permanent holiday from our oil addiction by making the automakers raise their fuel standards, corporations pay for their pollution, and oil companies invest their record profits in a clean energy future. That’s the change we need. And that’s why I’m running for President.
-Barack Obama
Dateline USA....
Forgotten in the closing days of the long, hard-fought Presidential campaign is Barack Obama's irrational hatred of the oil industry, which he has actually accused of funding terrorism and "destroying our planet."
And he doesn't stop there. Obama, following Al Gore's lunatic lead, hates oil itself. He regards the resource as inherently evil.
Ditto for coal. Obama's carbon taxation (cap-and-trade) scheme and so-called clean coal policy would put the resource out of reach. He aims to bankrupt the coal companies.
His anti-energy energy plan calls for spending $15 billion a year for the next 10 years on unreliable, uneconomic and nonexistent alternatives, such as wind, solar, and so-called biofuels (ethanol and biodiesel). The plan would lock up US oil and gas reserves, discourage domestic development of those reserves, and ironically increase US dependence on foreign oil, including supplies from unstable and unfriendly nations.Afghan Women Oppose Talking to Taliban
Foreign Confidential....
The United States, as we have reported, is preparing to appease the resurgent (Sunni) Islamist Taliban in a craven attempt to avoid a catastrophe in Afghanistan.
Barack Obama will certainly continue the perfidious policy if he wins the US Presidential election this Tuesday--and expand it to include appeasement of nuclear-arming, (Shiite) Islamist Iran.
The prospect of a Taliban victory--or a negotiated peace with the Islamist scum that harbored and aided Al Qaeda before and after the 9/11 attacks--is too disgusting for words.
BBC reports from Kabul.Representatives of women from across Afghanistan have called on President Hamid Karzai not to undermine their position by talking to the Taleban.
The president's brother recently sat with former Taleban leaders at a religious meal hosted by the Saudis.
The meeting was regarded as a possible prelude to talks between the Afghan government and the Islamist movement.
Mr Karzai told a conference of about 400 women that any talks with the Taleban would respect the constitution.
The women fear that the talks could lead to a reversal of the gains they have made since the overthrow of the Taleban in 2001.
They called on President Karzai to make sure their rights are guaranteed.Recapping Obama's Anti-Israel Advisers
Samantha Powers- She called for an invasion of Israel to impose a solution to the Palestinian Issue. She has also complained about the undue influence of the "Jews" in American Foreign Policy.
Don't forget Dick Lugar who was mentioned by the senator as one of Foreign Policy advisers during the third debate.
Robert Mally -- He expressed his support of the Palestinian "Militias" attacking Israel
Zbigniew Brzezinski who was screwing Israel as a member of the Carter Administration. He He has also been active supporting Messrs Mearsheimer and Walt's attack on the Jewish Lobby. He also said that American Jews Practice McCarthyism and that America must stop Israel from protecting herself vs Iran.
Then there is Merrill A. McPeak. He said that the only reason there is not Mid-East peace in the world is American Jews.
Daniel Kurtzer, an Orthodox Jew, was one of Secretary of State James " F**K the Jews" Baker's team of Anti-Israel "Jew Boys."
Joe Cirincione thought that talk of a Syrian Nuclear bomb in the desert was nonsense. Immediately following Israel's air raid this past September, Cirincione listed "Israelis [who] want to thwart any dialogue between the U.S. and Syria" as among those spreading rumors Syria was constructing a nuclear facility.
How about Senator [Chuck] Hagel who went with Obama on his little trip to Israel. He is one of the two or three MOST Anti-Israel Senators.
Click here to read the whole article.Obama and the Left's Long March to Power
EDITOR'S NOTE: The following essay originally appeared here on May 19.
UPDATE: Click here for a chilling comparative analysis of the revolutionary language and logos--see the image reproduced below--used by the Obama campaign and the Weather Underground.
Dateline USA....
True to form, the liberal mainstream media are missing--or deliberately ignoring--a big story.
If Barack Obama is nominated by the Democratic Party and elected President of the United States this year, he will make history in a way that most pundits and voters have yet to appreciate or understand. Obama's political ascendancy marks the triumph of the American antidemocratic Left, the movement of Stalinism and extremism; his victory in the general election will punctuate the Left's long march to power, which began 40 years ago.
Nineteen sixty-eight, you may recall, was the year of the barricades, at home and abroad. From New York to Paris, from Chicago to Berlin, young people took to the streets--and took over college campuses--in opposition to the Vietnam War and the established political, social and economic order. American cities and schools were rocked by demands for Black Power, Black Nationalism, and Black Liberation. Violence was rationalized, even extolled. Intellectuals intoxicated with insurrectionist fantasies and visions condoned and hailed rioting and armed robbery as acts of revolutionary "purification" by an oppressed population. The revolution failed. But that did not stop the antidemocratic Left--including the children of the Old Left who had helped to create and lead the New Left--from continuing their struggle. Though many, if not most, radicals moved on--to the suburbs, Wall Street, law school, wherever--committed cadres hunkered down and went to work burrowing inside important institutions, such as the academy and the Democratic Party. The unrepentant, former Weather Underground terrorist, Bill Ayers, is a prime example. Once a bomb-throwing fugitive, he is now a tenured radical, a well paid "distinguished professor" whose past (and also present, perhaps) friendships and associations include the Democratic Presidential frontrunner.
Is Obama a Marxist mole? Probably not. Is he a secret Black Nationalist? Highly unlikely. But he has certainly been advised and influenced by Marxist moles and Black Nationalists, extremists who have again embraced a totalitarian foe--radical Islam.
All of which is incredibly scary.
-Andre Pachter
Copyright 2008Saturday, November 01, 2008
Leftist Author Predicts Civil War if Obama Loses
Foreign Confidential....
The New York Observer reports that left-wing feminist author Erica (Fear of Flying) Jong told the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera that "blood will run in the streets" if Barack Obama loses the US Presidential election. An excerpt from her interview:If Obama loses it will spark the second American Civil War. Blood will run in the streets, believe me. And it's not a coincidence that President Bush recalled soldiers from Iraq for Dick Cheney to lead against American citizens in the streets....
Bush has transformed America into a police state, from torture to the imprisonment of reporters, to the Patriot Act.Hawaii Officials Say Obama Born in Hawaii
Dateline USA....
Following the candidate's visit to his gravely ill grandmother in Hawaii, there is an 11th-hour break in the Obama birth certificate story....
AP reports:[Hawaii] State officials say there's no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.
Health Department Director Dr. Chiyome Fukino said Friday she and the registrar of vital statistics, Alvin Onaka, have personally verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate.
Fukino says that no state official, including Republican Gov. Linda Lingle, ever instructed that Obama's certificate be handled differently.
She says state law bars release of a certified birth certificate to anyone who does not have a tangible interest.
Does this settle the matter?
No way, says blogger Michael Patrick Leahy. His rapid-fire analysis:Note the careful language from the State Department of Health officials in this press release:
"[we] have personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."
They did not say we have the long form copy of his birth certificate signed by his attending physician at Kapiolani Hospital on August 4, 1961.
It's an original birth certificate "in accordance with state policies and procedures."
One of those state policies and procedures was the acceptance of "after the fact" birth certificates under the 1911 Hawaii Birth Certificate program. This program was for residents of Hawaii over the age of one who did not register their birth with the state originally. The state accepted some "alternate form of documentation." This "alternate form of documentation", once accepted under this program that was in existence until 1972, becomes "an original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."
How convenient that this press conference is held on the eve of the Presidential election just a couple weeks after Barack Obama went to visit his sick grandmother.
Here's the way Barack Obama can be straight forward and honest with the American people:
Authorize the release of this document that Dr. Chiyome and Dr. Onaka both say they've seen and verified.
If it's an August 4, 1961 long form birth certificate signed by an attending physician at a Honolulu hospital, then it's case closed. You've met the burden of proof.
But if it's some alternate document introduced later...depending on the contents of that document, we may still conclude you've not met the burden of proof.
But show us the document State of Hawaii and Barack Obama ! Let it see the light of day.
And by the way, while we're at it, here's a question for Dr. Chiyome and Dr. Onaka:
Can you please explain to me why you are violating state law by showing us the document, but not violating state law by telling us you've seen the document ? Did you receive authorization from Barack Obama to (1) look at the document and (2) tell us you've looked at the document ?
Another question on the original birth certificate Dr. Chiyome and Dr. Onaka verified:
Is it:
(1) A Certificate of Hawaiian Birth created under the 1911 "after the fact program ?
( 2) or is it a standard birth certificate created from the original document provided contemporaneously by the birth hospital ?
And yet another question on this carefully parsed statement:
"[we] have personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures."
What exactly does "original birth certificate on record" mean ?
Does it mean they physically viewed the hard copy of the original birth certificate ? Or does it mean they've reviewed the information technology procedures by which the abstracted data was placed into the State of Hawaii birth certificate data base?
And... why a released statement and not a press conference ?
There is more. Click here.On the Obama 'Thugocracy' Threat
Dateline USA....
As President, Barack Obama would be unchecked, writes Lowell Ponte in Newsmax. Taking note of the candidate's authoritarian, secretive side, Ponte explains:Obama has left no doubt that he will work with the Democratic bosses in Congress to impose a new “Fairness Doctrine” on talk radio. McCain-Feingold set a legal precedent for restricting political speech on the Internet, and a new doctrine might be imposed on the Web, too.
Such legislation would let partisan politically chosen government agents decide whether a radio or TV station will lose its license for failing to give all sides airtime to discuss their views of political topics. Thus, e.g., a Christian church-owned radio station could lose its license for refusing to give airtime to advocates of same-sex marriage.
After radio stations in Ohio and Pennsylvania aired a National Rifle Association ad critical of Obama's shifting positions on gun control, Obama's lawyer warned the stations: “For the sake of both FCC licensing requirements and the public interest, your station should refuse to continue to air this advertisement.”
Obama's campaign urged followers to disrupt a Chicago talk show appearance by a reporter who has investigated his past. This is one more sign of what author Michael Barone calls the coming “Obama thugocracy.”
The Fairness Doctrine purportedly encourages more diversity of ideas on the airwaves, but it silenced free speech in the past. Radio station owners, afraid of losing their broadcast licenses, found it easier and safer to switch from talk radio to playing music.
One gets the feeling that Obama would be delighted to remove his harshest critics from America's airwaves by intimidating and killing talk radio itself. This government requirement of “fairness” would not be used to control liberal-dominated media: major newspapers, magazines, and almost all network television.
Click here to read the whole analysis.
The Mask Slips
Meanwhile, the candidate's mask seems to be slipping.
Reuters reports on Obama showing a rare flash of anger towards the press:It wasn't quite a Halloween nightmare on Obama street, but journalists on Friday drew a rare flash of anger from the normally unflappable Democratic presidential nominee.
Barack Obama had taken a break from the campaign trail for a few hours of Halloween fun at home with his family four days before the election, but ended up visibly annoyed when news crews dogged their footsteps in their Chicago neighborhood.
"That's enough. You've got a shot. Leave us alone," Obama told reporters as he walked down the block with his 7-year-old daughter Sasha in her costume on the way to a party at a neighbor's home.
Obama, usually cool in public during a campaign that has turned him into the frontrunner for the White House, did not disguise his irritation when his surprise walk caused news photographers and camera crews to scramble for position on the sidewalk.
He grew especially testy when a Polish television cameraman tried to approach them.
"Come on guys, get back on the bus," he pleaded with journalists, many of whom had accompanied him from the airport to Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood.
Jeff Zeleny of The New York Times points out: "It was the second time in a week that Mr. Obama became agitated when he spotted photographers and journalists near him as he walked, a standard practice for presidential candidates and, ultimately, the president."Understanding Iran's Preference for Obama
Foreign Confidential....
Two long quotes tell the story:If McCain is elected ... one could not discount the possibility of military action. With his background, McCain is an expert in military, international security and foreign policy affairs and could credibly use U.S. power and force. Here he can also draw support from certain European countries. Unlike George Bush, he is cognizant of international issues, and his beliefs give him the authority to exercise U.S. power at the global level. Thus, I believe McCain's policies would be more dangerous for Iran.
In the face of a regime of sanctions, Iran has a chance to revise its policies. The military option, however, would render a change in stance or policy more remote. Therefore, I believe Obama would be a more profitable option for Iran. In the meantime, the U.S. administration will hold off implementing any policy towards Tehran until the 10th presidential elections [June 2009] and their outcome.
-Naser Hadian, "Obama, A Less Costly Option for Iran," Iranian Diplomacy, October 9, 2008. Hadian is an Iranian academician with close ties to the regime.Iranian officials seem to prefer Obama simply because he has promised to talk to Iran without preconditions. The more important issue, however, is their belief that with Obama the military option would be off the table. That would limit his maneuvering to negotiation, which is desirable from the perspective of the Iranian regime, for it might allow Iran's leaders to stall for time while they have a chance to advance their nuclear program. It would also leave them free to actively oppose Israel, continue efforts to export revolution, support Hezbollah and Hamas, intervene in regional matters, and, ultimately, govern the Iranian people with an iron fist.
-Bahman Aghai Diba, PhD, Persian Journal.Friday, October 31, 2008
Media Ignore Obama Plan for Civilian Secret Police
Dateline USA...."We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."
-Barack Hussein Obama
The Obama-adoring mainstream media has totally--deliberately--ignored Obama's frightening plan to create a parallel "national security force," which, incredibly, would be "just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded" as the United States military.
China Confidential analysts believe the national force would include paramilitary troops and neighborhood spies and block-watchers, akin to the Cuban secret police.
The force could also be used to disarm law-abiding gun owners as Obama moves to shred the Second Amendment.As He Plots to Share Your Wealth, Phony Liberal Obama Lets His Half-Brother Live on $1 a Month
Foreign Confidential....
Barack Hussein Obama's half-brother is still surviving--just barely--on less than $1 a month.
"I live like a recluse," George Hussein Onyango Obama said in an article published in a recent edition of the Italian-language Vanity Fair. "No one knows I exist."
The article reported that the US Senator's half brother was found living in an African shanty.
He still is.
Barack Obama has written about his Kenyan roots and his half-siblings.
In his acclaimed memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama identified eight half-brothers and sisters from four other marriages or relationships of his parents. George Hussein was the youngest, the only child of Obama's father and a woman not named in the book.
UPDATE: AP reports that Obama's aunt is an illegal alien living in Boston public housing. Barack Obama's aunt, a Kenyan woman who has been quietly living in public housing in Boston, is in the United States illegally after an immigration judge rejected her request for asylum four years ago, The Associated Press has learned.
Zeituni Onyango, 56, referred to as "Aunti Zeituni" in Obama's memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request, a person familiar with the matter told the AP late Friday. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss Onyango's case.
Information about the deportation case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcment official. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government, but the AP could not establish whether anyone at a political level in the Bush administration or in the McCain campaign had been involved in its release.
Onyango's refusal to leave the country would represent an administrative, non-criminal violation of U.S. immigration law, meaning such cases are handled outside the criminal court system. Estimates vary, but many experts believe there are more than 10 million such immigrants in the United States.
The AP could not reach Onyango immediately for comment. No one answered the telephone number listed in her name late Friday. It was unclear why her request for asylum was rejected in 2004.
Onyango is not a relative whom Obama has discussed in campaign appearances and, unlike Obama's father and grandmother, is not someone who has been part of the public discussion about his personal life.Does Obama Video Include Simulated Beheading?
Dateline USA....
Blogger Debbie Schlussel breaks a big story: the suppressed Obama video may include a performance by a Muslim youth dance group whose act includes use of swords to simulate terrorist beheadings. Schlussel writes:Reports of the partial guest list at the 2003 dinner include "the Sanabel Debka troupe", but the group's name is really "Sanabel AlQuds Dabka troupe." Sanabel means "grains" or "kernels" (of wheat or barley) in Arabic. AlQuds, or "The Holy", is the Muslim name for Jerusalem, which is ripped-off from the eternal Hebrew name for Jerusalem, "Ir Kadosh", or Holy City.
The Milwaukee-based Muslim kids dancing troupe purports to perform the debka, a Middle-Eastern step-dance. But this group, made up of mostly Palestinian Muslims and under the auspices of the Milwaukee Muslim American Society does far more in its "performance." And it's frightening.
In June 2004, I went undercover and attended a Dearborn fundraising dinner for Islamic Relief, the Muslim Brotherhood charity that is a front for HAMAS and Al-Qaeda. The event was MC'ed by Rayed Tayeh, who orchestrated the Starbucks Coffee boycott and who is believed to be a HAMAS operative.
Sanabel AlQuds performed to songs calling for martyrdom to "get back Palestine." The kids were young boys, some of them appearing to be no older than seven years old.
But they didn't just dance the debkah.
Suddenly the Sanabel AlQuds dancers pulled out fake swords and rifles and adorned three of their troupe respectively with an American, Isreaeli, and British flag. The others pretended to behead and/or shoot the boys wearing the flags. Then they put red scarves over the three boys heads, signifying blood and no head. Then, the flags were taken off, thrown to the ground, and trampled on by this young group of Milwaukee dancers.
This was on the Sunday that U.S. contractor Paul Johnson was found beheaded in Saudi Arabia and not long after Nicholas Berg and several other westerners were found beheaded in Iraq.
Click here to read the whole scary story. Suffice it to say, the Los Angeles Times should be shunned by decent Americans for suppressing the Obama video. Has the country gone mad?Dreams from His Pastor
Monday, 3 November 2008
The One speaks ... the words of others.
Writing in American Thinker, Sammy Benoit recaps the rogues gallery of anti-Israel and/or anti-Semitic advisers to Barack Obama on foreign affairs:
For 20 years Barack Hussein Obama was "spiritually advised" by a racist, black nationalist, pro-Islamist preacher who blamed--and asked God to damn--America for 9/11 only five days after the mega-terrorist attacks.
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