Thursday, 20 November 2008

Thursday, 20 November 2008

The end of independent thought is nigh

click here to go to the blogHas there ever been a more blatant or indeed frightening example of unacceptable political correctness running amok than this? Why does this university not have done with it and simply open a political re-education camp right there on campus, staffed by more of their "trained" thought policefacilitators? A few large screens and loudspeakers...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.

How to lose the battle against the BNP

click here to go to the blogIf you want a clear example of how not to win a political fight against the BNP, it is offered up in today's Independent by Chris Keates, the General Secretary of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women teachers (NASUWT). In an article concerning the ongoing furore over the leaking of the BNP membership list for 2007, Keates...

Posted on The Waendel Journal.