Today's Top Stories
'Netanyahu will lead us into conflict with the world'If Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu wins the February 10, 2009 general election to become Israel's next prime minister, he will lead the Jewish state into a confrontation with the whole world. This scare-mongering charge was leveled by panicky-sounding Labor Party leader ...
Commentary - Jerusalem Watchman
Brace for interference as Bibi pulls ahead
What Barak started today was only a shot across the bows. There will be some ugly stuff happening domestically in the Land. But we can also confidently be on the lookout for widespread and quite blatant interference in Israel’s internal affairs from a whole pack of western nations.
Iran has enough material for first Allah-Bomb
While the world has been vacillating over how best to respond to untempered Iranian belligerency and Tehran's defiant pursuit of nuclear weapons, the champion of Islamic states has already acquired enough material to manufacture its first atomic bomb. This news, ...
TASE floor blood-letting halts trade
Israel's Hebrew-language daily _Ha'aretz_ reported Thursday that the country's economy was being battered by the global financial storms, with the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange plummeting to the point where trading was halted. The situation was described as a "bloodbath" as ...
PLO chief woos terror-weary Israelis
After years of hammering away at Israeli society in its bloody quest to gouge a state out of the Jews' land, PLO chief and veteran terrorist Mahmoud Abbas resorted Thursday to a nationwide ad campaign in Israel's media pleading with ...
Antisemitic Nobel laureate makes great suggestion
The United Nations should suspend or revoke Israel's membership because of the Jewish state's refusal to abide by that pro-Arab body's flood of anti-Israel resolutions over the years. This wonderful recommendation came Thursday from the lips of rabidly anti-Israel 1976 ...
Israeli security minister declares war on Hebron 'settlers'
Israeli Public Security Minister Avi Dichter Thursday vowed to throw 24 Jewish families out of the Hebron house they are living in, ownership of which is disputed by an Arab who allegedly was paid in full for the property but ...
Livni blasts UN's Ban Ki-Moon
Instead of issuing statements of "concern" for Gaza's Arabs and pressing Israel to alleviate their "plight," United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon should see to it that the UN's members condemn the Gazans' shelling of Israeli civilians. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi ...
Criminalizing circumcision may force out Denmark's Jews
After Jews have lived in Denmark for hundreds of years, the 7000-strong community that resides there today may be forced to leave. The country's legislators are studying a proposed law that would make the biblically-mandated Jewish rite of circumcising baby ...
'Peacenik' Peres - Another 'disengagement' could trigger civil war
Efforts to uproot Judea's and Samaria's Jews could lead to civil war in Israel. So warned Israeli President Shimon Peres Wednesday when he became the first Israeli leader to address members of both houses of Parliament during a state visit ...
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