Yesterday the American people spoke and the vote was based on emotion and not on the common sense values most Americans associate with.
The next couple of years we face huge challenges in the world and here at home with the economy. We are not worried about the economy in itself because the American people have the ingenuity and entreprenuership to overcome, however the challenges dealing with the threat of Islamic terror as well as the evil of tyranical rulers like the Mullahs of Iran, Chavez, Putin and others are major issues. The lack of strength in dealing with these challenges will cause death, destruction and economic disaster beyond comprehension -By peace they will deceive many.
President elect Barack Hussein Obama will choose weakness over strength, killing of the born (infanticide) over life, removal of free speech over basic constitutional first amendent rights, the selling out and endangerment of israel over supporting our number one ally, the demonization of Israel in our Universities and in the main stream media over the support of Israel and its rights, pure vitriolic anti semitism will return over the rights and saftey of Jews in America. This is the "change we can believe in" and it is coming quicker than any of you can imagine.
Many will say we are exagerating or fearmongering, however we see the same problems of the 1930s with economic depression, with the rise of Nazism along with appeasement and peace treaties. It is happening again and most of our Jewish bretheren in America voted for the man who will probably cause the worst plight for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. We pray we are wrong but the writing seems to be on the wall.
Walid and the Walid Shoebat Foundation will fight against the coming storm. We need your help morally and physically, with the staging of events nationwide and financial donations, so we can protect America and Israel, speaking for freedom and the rights and values that all Americans, even the misguided ones who voted with their hearts and not their minds this time.
The darkness will eventually pass and the real America will return hopefully soon, have faith and fight for your values in each and every city and community where you are. Contact us if you would like to use Walid's voice and others we work with to make a bigger noise for the truth wherever you are.
Our email address for inquiries is
Shalom and Blessings
Keith Davies
Executive Director
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Walid and the Walid Shoebat Foundation will fight against the coming storm
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Britannia Radio