We told you about all of this years ago and especially unemployment....with John Loeffler in one of our discussions 1-2 years ago.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
We bring you extracts from Ken Clarkes Interview about the real state of the UK economy......
Not Good News....Melt down possible next year.....
Further Increase in Unemployment next year very much higher.
We can't reduce VAT without EU APPROVAL.
and Bail Out for GM or purchase at 1 cent on the dollar?
Our view...Govt figures are B/s...... watch for unemployment figures,
Foreign Investors buying UK Govt Debt?....
The value of the dollar and the pound ?...
Jobs...what jobs.? and.......
Moves to a new world financial order...!
We also put on line click to listen
Newsnight's review with Paxman, Mason, Seltzer and others.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 21:42