And so more of them came blinking into the light... Gordon Brown; renowned ditherer, partisan machine politician, exponent of the worst political spin, bare faced liar, ridden with a mammoth inferiority complex, psychologically flawed, deeply insecure and emotionally and behaviourally dysfunctional. Suddenly, after his response to a question from David Cameron (clip below) about about the violent, shocking and preventable death of "Baby P" a 17-month-old boy under social services supervision in Haringey (the same borough where 8-year-old Victoria Climbie met her own avoidable premature death at the hands of her great aunt) Gordon Brown being described as a thoroughly unpleasant man as if this was stunning new information.Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Nasty, heartless and self serving Gordon Brown
To anyone who has read the biography of Brown by author Tom Bower, Brown's comment and behaviour at Prime Minister's Questions, where he sought to claim David Cameron's raising of the issue was an attempt to make a party political point, will have come as no surprise. There has rarely been a person more unsuitable who has managed to become the leader of this nation.
Brown is revelling in the political opportunity that has presented itself to him, as he seeks to secure personal and factional advantage from the individual tragedies of business closures, redundancies, home repossessions and personal insolvencies. His own policies and stewardship of the Treasury has contributed to the effects, but as the opposition flounders to explain why, the public reluctantly accepts Brown's word that he is the man to lift us out of recession. That should have already told everyone what they need to know about Brown's nasty character.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio
Why do they wriggle and squirm rather than just answer the question?
Seemed like a bit of a Micheal Howard/Jeremy Paxman moment to me!
But do you or don't you like him?
It was weird to watch. I could see no reason why Brown should behave the way he did.
I would like to see Cameron being a bit more ratty on a regular basis too.
Cameron should continue to get angry with Mad Gordo. Keep him away from the endless regurgitation of tractor stats. Show up how utterly inhuman the one-eyed monster is.
Even the Beeb showed the clip on Breakfast this morning. However they spoiled it by wheeling on Ed BlinkyBalls to try and spin it for Gordo.
That Balls is a creepy one. How can you tell he's lying? He blinks.
Broon is an anti-English power mad Scotch megalomaniac whos sole job is to break England up into "Regions" and sign away whats left over to the EU.
Just like his predecessor Bliar.
Brown has always acted to smear the Conservatives. The most shameless blatant lie was the one he told about our spending plans in the 2005 election.
He's unfit to hold public office.