Woman Found Hanged Is 24th Young Suicide Victim In Bridgend in Two Years 'A young woman has been found hanged in Bridgend, taking the toll of suicides by young people in the area to 24 since the start of last year' Intelligent Pill, 'iPill', Gets Good Gut Reaction 'An “intelligent pill” that can be targeted to release drugs in a specific area of the body has been developed by scientists. Containing a microprocessor, battery, wireless radio, pump and a reservoir for medication, the inch-long capsule is designed to treat digestive tract disorders such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.' Council Ranks Term 'British' With 'Negroes' And Bans It In Case It Upsets Scots, Welsh and Minorities 'The word ‘British’ can be as offensive as ‘negro’ and ‘half-caste’, according to a race relations body. The publicly-funded organisation’s views have been adopted by Caerphilly council in South Wales for a leaflet advising staff on how to deal with the public. In a section on what words or phrases not to use to avoid causing offence, the leaflet solemnly informs the council’s 9,000 workers: ‘The idea of “British” implies a false sense of unity – many Scots, Welsh and Irish resist being called British and the land denoted by the term contains a wide variety of cultures, languages and religions.’ Police To Announce NO Murders Took Place At Jersey 'House of Horrors' 'Police will today reveal that NO murders took place at a notorious former children’s home in Jersey. In an extradordinary step, officers probing the deaths of up to six youngsters at the Haute de la Garenne home will tell a news conference that ‘nobody was killed.’ The officers, brought in from English forces following the retirement of Jersey’s deputy police chief Lenny Harper in August, are also expected to ridicule all suggestions that the home had turned into ‘some kind of House of Horrors.’ Is This The End Of Free Banking? Britons Face Charges To Use Cash Machines And Write Cheques 'Britons face the introduction of charges to use cash machines and write cheques, it is claimed today. Analysts Datamonitor claim it is only a matter of time before free banking, as British consumers know it, is abandoned. The introduction of up-front charges for the right to have a current account is being speeded by a court case investigating the legality of punishing overdraft charges, it is claimed.' All Politicians Are In Denial. It's The State That Needs Cutting, Not Taxes 'One of the basic rules of politics is that when all major politicians agree on any given issue, they are - almost always - by definition wrong.' Common Sense: A Revolutionary Idea 'Would there be a revolution, if every American saw this? The time is now. ' Veins To Replace Fingerprints And Eyes As Most Secure Form Of I.D 'Forget fingerprinting. Companies in Europe have begun to roll out an advanced biometric system from Japan that identifies people from the unique patterns of veins inside their fingers. Finger vein authentication, introduced widely by Japanese banks in the last two years, is claimed to be the fastest and most secure biometric method. Developed by Hitachi, it verifies a person's identity based on the lattice work of minute blood vessels under the skin.'Wednesday, 12 November 2008 Wednesday, 12 November 2008 Wednesday, 12 November 2008 Wednesday, 12 November 2008 Wednesday, 12 November 2008 Wednesday, 12 November 2008 Wednesday, 12 November 2008 Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
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Britannia Radio