Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Brown's deception at PMQ
Brown has repeatedly stated that UK debt is "historically low", despite the actual amount of debt in monetary terms more than doubling since Labour came to power. His argument is that debt as a percentage of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) has been low - because the economy has grown for so many years. So when Brooks Newmark asked...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Wednesday snippets
A few morsels from the blogs ... Peter Lilley on the costs of the government's futile climate change policy (in an odd piece when you read it closely) ... Britain's economic outlook is among the worst in the EU ... and two cuts. Hammersmith and Fulham cut council tax again ... and ministers and civil servants in Singapore get a pay cut.
Posted on The Purple ScorpionLabour screws small business on Flat Rate VAT
This Labour government is happy to apply visible pressure on banks to lend money to small businesses for PR purposes, but it has been shown to be all spin and no substance because because its VAT changes will see the smallest of small businesses paying more tax to HMRC. There is no clearer indictment of this government's shameful attitude...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Climate change mania shows we learned nothing
But, some people will say, there is no smoke without fire is there, so is there not truth in what is reported? The media loves piling in on a story to hype it out of all recognition. But when they do, government and other organisations feel obliged to be seen to be acting on the supposed problem. This shows they have learned nothing since the year 2000...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Obama's global warming comments debunked
Lord Christopher Monckton, the 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, has comprehensively deconstructed Obama's comments in an article in American Thinker. It corrects the false assertions in layman's terms and underlines the growing counter-consensus of scientists who are rejecting the scare stories and exposing AGW as a political not scientific...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.BBC Lies To The Rafters As EU Drifts Into Oblivion
BBC World has to be congratulated. Their report on the coming assessment by the Czech Republic's Supreme Court of the Lisbon Treaty's compliance with the Czech Constitution exceeded all the BBC's previous standards. The lies started at the beginning, kept going through the middle and continued right to the end. There was no flagging in the determination to distort truth, confuse the audience and provide inaccurate information.
Posted on The Tap Blog18.5% VAT story: BBC has questions to answer
Bloggers and political journalists have been on it like dogs on a bone. But no one seems to have picked up on a potentially bigger story here, as there is one particular comment that stands out from the rest - that by BBC Political Editor, Nick Robinson on his blog. I have marked the interesting bit in red: "The Tories are claiming that it's evidence of...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Tuesday, 25 November 2008
We're being governed badly
I don't like being governed badly. The post briefly discusses some of the worst examples, including economic mismanagement, job creation in the state sector, the nonsense of greenery, and the lack of any policy to limit population growth.
Posted on The Purple ScorpionDo we care?
"Gordon Brown borrowed us into this mess, and now he would like to borrow us out of it. We now know what he means by PSBR. It is the Price of Subsidising Brown's Re-election." That is from Bruce Anderson in The Independentresponding to Darling's pre-budget report. And they don't get much more left wing than The Independent. Yet, he writes ...
Posted on EU ReferendumMonday, 24 November 2008
Yes. Real Labour. Reverting to type. We always knew what lay beneath. No matter how hard Labour tried to conceal its true nature, we knew. But now the cloak of deception has been cast off for everyone to see for themselves. We now see the familiar beast in its true form. The beast the public had previously rejected and thought dead after all...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Take All My Money, Darling. It's Only Toilet Paper.
The article from MSN linked below is unable to take in how high British taxes are. It mentions the new higher rate for higher earners but gets the figure wrong. It's not 45% that will be introduced, as the effective rate is already over 50%. But Americans could not believe that to be true, I imagine so MSN adjusted the figure down a bit to a more believable figure. LINK. When you add in the uncapped 12.8% Employer's National Insurance and the 1% Employee's, the full amount levied on higher earners will be 58.8%.
Posted on The Tap BlogEnergy supply now exceeds demand by only 2.2%
The problem is the worst it has been than at any time for 20 years, according to a report from Capgemini. The report reveals that the margin between the amount of power available and the demand for it, has now fallen to 2.2%, from 7.9% last year. If demand increases over the next year then this country might not be able to produce enough...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Brown's party political 45% tax stunt
The proposal to create a new 45% top rate of tax has absolutely nothing to do with tackling the recession. The effect on the struggling economy of this measure will be the equivalent of dropping a pebble into the middle of Lake Windermere. The proposal is nothing more than an outrageously cynical attempt to use taxpayers to...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Sunday, 23 November 2008
Of VAT and banks
The suggested temporary VAT reduction will hardly affect prices and won't make much difference. Government has poured taxpayers' money into banks but has spectacularly failed to change their behaviour, as MPs' postbags make clear. There's only one way government can get to grips with this. But they won't like it.
Posted on The Purple Scorpionthe beatroot in Jerusalem
“In the last 17 years, this country has been invaded by murderers, thieves, prostitutes…and spies,” says David, dramatically, a Georgian migrant to Israel, who works as a security guard at the Yad Vashem institute in Jerusalem. I was at the institute to see for myself the last name to be added to the Righteous of Nations, Stanislawa Slawinska, who sheltered ten Jews in Poland as a Nazi officer lived next door.
Posted on: The BeatrootWhat about small business Flat Rate VAT?
Leading the news agenda this morning is a plethora of reports that suggest the government is expected to cut VAT by 2.5% in tomorrow's Pre-Budget report. The report on the BBC puts the speculation into context: The specifics of Chancellor Alistair Darling's recovery plan will remain under wraps until Monday. But widespread press reports...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.More BBC global warming disinformation
Today's latest example of deliberate disinformation about climate change and global warming is brought to you - yet again - via the BBC. The Countryfile programme on BBC1 has just given one its regular features on climate change. This time it has interviewed Michele Taylor from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, who explained to presenter John...
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Detroit's Future Is Staring Them In The Face
The above title does not resonate with current news reports about the US auto industry where doom, gloom and destruction are all you see and hear. There is no demand for cars, they say. We need a multi-billion dollar bailout, they add. And there is no hope of any other method of survival. Really? I don't think so. Let's get right down to basics...
Posted on The Tap BlogObama Awaits Events. So Do We All.
The news that Obama is about to appoint Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is not being received well amongst his aides. They see the Clintons as most unlikely to act as team-players but to try to keep attempting to slide up the greasy pole. See Obama's Aides Believe He Is making A Mistake In Hiring Hillary. The fact is that Hillary poses little threat and could prove very useful..
Posted on The Tap BlogThis spells trouble
While we as a nation retreat into our own economic misery, confronting a meltdown that can only be made worse by the collective and continued mismanagement of our leaders, spare a thought for China – not least because what is happening there cannot but help impact on us, in diverse but as yet unknown ways. According to The Times and other sources ...
Posted on EU ReferendumSaturday, 22 November 2008
Eurozone Faces Euro-Freeze
Last night I sat next to a number of French Embassy staff at a dinner in a lovely Philippine private house with musicians and singing of Spanish and Mexican songs. Without mentioning their exact roles, one was particularly senior and had security staff accompanying her. She was a charming lady and she had a pleasant aura about her..
Posted on The Tap Blog
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
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Britannia Radio