Who's a Partisan Polly, Then?
Iain Dale 11:50 PM
Polly dismissed us all as partisan right wing bloggers who are paid to pump out the Tory line. Excuse me? The only bloggers I know who get paid are mainstream journalists, Alex Hilton from LabourHome, Mark Pack from LibDem Voice and Tim Montgomerie.
Polly almost seemed to imply that we all get paid by the Tory Party, LOL. Guido, Dizzy and I - unlike Polly - are totally independent and our blogs are not funded by anyone. Isn't it a pity that Polly can't say the same?
UPDATE: Dizzy gives a characteristic response HERE.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Polly Toynbee was on the Sky News PMQs programme at lunchtime as a pundit. Towards the end of the programme they have a slot where Miranda Richardson explains how the blogs are reacting to PMQs. Today she quoted Guido, me, ConHome, Dizzy and Coffee House. Clearly no left of centre blogs have got their act together to offer a view in time to get reported on the PMQs programme.
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Britannia Radio