by Maayana Miskin

The Peace Now organization and activists Hagit Ofran and Dror Atkis must pay residents of Judea and Samaria and issue a public apology, Jerusalem Magistrates Court judge Yechezkel Barclay ruled Thursday. The group was punished for a false report involving the Samaria town of Revava.
Peace Now, Ofran and Atkis were sued for damages caused by a report published two years ago. In the report, titled “A sin leads to another sin,” (Aveira goreret aveira in Hebrew), Peace Now argued that most Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria were built on land stolen from local Arabs. Among other things, the report said 71.15 percent of the land on which Revava was built was stolen from Arabs.
"The Fund for Redeeming the Land,” which legally owns 100 percent of the territory on which Revava is built, demanded that Peace Now correct its false report regarding Revava and issue an apology. The group refused to apologize, as did the authors of the report. The authors agreed to only partially correct the mistaken claim regarding Revava, changing the report to say 22 percent of the land was stolen, not 71 percent.
When Peace Now refused to apologize, the Fund sued the organization with the help of Attorney Doron Nir Tzvi. The group charged Peace Now and authors Ofran and Atkis with slander.
The court found the three defendants guilty. Besides ordering them to apologize, Justice Barclay ruled that they must pay the Fund for Redeeming the Land 20,000 shekels plus tax. The group's apology must be public, and must be published in both Maariv and Haaretz.
"The time has come to end the serial lies issued by various leftist groups,” Attorney Nir Tzvi said following the court's decision. “The public should doubt any report they write.” Nir Tzvi called on Jews living in Judea and Samaria to “stand up for their good name” when facing false accusations from groups like Peace Now.
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by Hana Levi Julian

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan called on Palestinian Authority Arabs to formally start a third intifada by carrying out suicide bombing attacks to "slaughter the Jews" in Israel.
The harangues by Arab Islamic clerics that aired on the Lebanese Hizbullah terrorist-linked Al-Manar and Palestinian Authority-run Al-Aqsa television networks from December 3-5, which were translated by The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) in a report published this week.
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Several clips were translated. The first was by far the most fiery, a rant by Sheik Himam Sa'id, Supreme Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan.
"Oh noble Gaza, raise your head high," he screamed into the microphone, panting heavily. "You have made the Muslims raise their heads high. And you, people of Hebron - you are now waging a war against the Jews. You are well-versed in this. We saw how, on a day in 1929, you slaughtered the Jews in Hebron. Today, slaughter them on the land of Hebron. Kill them in Palestine. Arise, oh people of Palestine, all the people of Palestine - arise in defense of your Al-Aqsa Mosque, arise in defense of Nablus and Hebron. Arise and face the [ Preventive Security forces. Fear them not, for they are rabbits. They are wolves, so fear them not, oh lions," he exhorted.
"Oh young men, what will you say to the Jordanian government?" he continued. "Expel the Jewish ambassador from Amman. Amman is pure, and the Jewish ambassador must not defile its soil. Recall the Jordanian ambassador from Palestine. Only mujahideen should be in Palestine - not ambassadors, not ministers, or any representative of this nation. Do not recognize the ambassador of this nation in Palestine. Palestine is the land of Jihad, of sacrifice, and of preparation."
The Jordanian cleric also had harsh words for the economic benefit that Israeli Arabs have reaped by their citizenship in the Jewish State, and the financial rewards enjoyed by Jordan as a result of its peace treaty with Israel.
"We say to this government: Stop normalization with the Jews. Stop all imports and exports with the Jews. Our markets are full of Jewish vegetables and Jewish fruits. Traders who bring these fruits and vegetables are traitors, collaborators. Tell them this. Make them hear our voice. The position of the religious scholars is that anyone who trades with the Jews is a traitor and collaborator," declared the cleric.
The second clip was a discourse by Husan Abdallah, representative of the Lebanese Association of Islamic Scholars, was no less vitriolic despite the soft-spoken manner in which it was delivered. "The truce with the Zionist entity is meaningless," he explained quietly. "Let pure bodies blow up again in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and in all the cities of occupied Palestine…" The Lebanese scholar also tried to persuade Egyptians to "show an act of violence, even if they go to jail, even if they die – they will be martyrs for the sake of Allah."
A third message was broadcast by Osama Hamdan, the Hamas representative in Lebanon, who said bluntly, "Our goal is to liberate all of Palestine, from the river to the sea, from Rosh Hanikra to Umm Al-Rashrash [Eila. From Gaza, gentlemen ... We do not want a state 364 square kilometers in size, nor do we want a state for which we had to beg at the negotiating table. Such a state will never come to be. What we want is a free state, which maintains its dignity, 27,000 square kilometers in size - the size of Palestine in its entirety."
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