Wednesday, 17 December 2008

2009: Obama Claus is Coming to Town!
Given the media’s love affair with their candidate of choice, it’s no mystery why the election went as it did. Pundits sought with success to end what they characterized as “the small-minded Bush years” during which time “thieves looted our governments and businesses” (Mick Dumke, 6 November 2008). In contrast, the Obama campaign self-characterized as “the change that we seek” by “the ones we’ve been waiting for.” For his meteoric rise, Obama owes a huge debt to Hollywood.......
by Debra Rae

Our Bailout Culture and the Beauty of Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy, on the other hand, is one of the best ways to bring big government to heel. For just as a compulsive gambler will continue playing the casinos until his well runs dry – and giving him money just delays the inevitable – statist politicians will keep spending until there is nothing left to spend. So let state and local governments shut down and suspend services. Let them twist in their own ill wind. Let them languish in a self-created debtors’ prison........
by Selwyn Duke

Christmas in Mexico
It’s that time of year again – Christmas in Mexico. The worldwide diversity of Christmas in its various cultural forms is an interesting study. The essence of the holiday – a celebration of the incarnation and birth of Jesus Christ – is the same throughout Christendom. The holiday has a real power to inspire art, literature and folk customs, and express itself in various manners in diverse cultures.
by Allan wall