Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Kislev 25, 5769, 22 December 08 11:02
by Reuben Elefant(IsraelNN.com) I am amazed at the answers given to Benny Tucker. His answers were completely evasive and wrong with the facts. Let's go through Yaakov Amidror's statements one by one, in the order of the article that appeared on December 19, 2008, with my own explanation.
Amidror says, "It was more important to have a fair balance between Ashkenazim and Sephardim on the list than to strengthen the Land of Israel camp."
No one mentioned that there should be only Askenazim on the list. Are there no Sephardic right-wingers?
Amidror says, "The map of religious-Zionism does not run only between Beit El and Hevron, but encompasses much more than that. This is a list that has more residents of Judea and Samaria than from Petach Tikvah, Kfar Saba, Raanana, Netanya, and Haifa combined. It has a representative from Sderot, Hevron, Elkanah." and "there is a very large public outside Yesha [Judea and Samaria] that must also be represented."
No one mentioned that they must be from the area between Beit El and Hevron. The list can and must contain people from all over the country, but they must care for the Land of Israel and must be people who can be trusted to fight the fight for Israel (the Land and the People).
Amidror says, "I am happy, truly very happy, at the amount of non-Ashkenazim on the list - in my eyes, this is much more important than giving stronger representation to the more right-wing side in the religious public. In this way it is truly balanced - though maybe not the way Arutz-7 sees it or expected."
It is not the way Arutz-7 sees it or expects it - it is the way that the people you are representing expect you to act.
Amidror says, "You certainly must realize that you represent a very small minority, while this list represents a wide range of opinions in religious-Zionism."
On the contrary, the views of Arutz-7 reflect more accurately the way of the national-religious camp than the Meimad party did. Where is Meimad today and why do you think the National Religious Party keeps getting smaller with each passing election?
Amidror says, "Keep in mind that out of the 230,000 votes that the joint NRP-National Union party received last time, only 30,000 came from east of the Green Line [i.e., Yesha]."
Again, it is not where one lives that decides the election, but the views of the public. Even in the general public, the Right has more votes than the Left (the fact that the Right is splintered and loses many votes due to many parties not passing the threshold of votes needed to get into the Knesset does not change the fact that there are more right-wingers in the general public than left-wingers). It is a kal v'chomer ("all the more so") that the religious and traditionalist public is even more weighted to the Right.
In conclusion, the Jewish House is a house built on galut ("exile") ideas and not on the ideas of a nation living in its own land, free, unafraid to live its beliefs, and willing to fight for what is rightfully theirs (ours).
Reuben Elefant lives in Hollywood, Florida, but his heart and grandchildren live in Israel.
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