Monday, 15 December 2008
And in a recent Telegraph report from Antarctica a relatively recent German exploratory base is buried so deep that on a helmet fastened to the roof is still visible.
What we have to do is not WASTE fossil fuels and find alternatives to combat the fast approaching mini -ice age (let's hope it IS a mini one!) but forget all this rubbish about carbon. Utter baloney, but it's a baloney that the unscrupulous are cashing in on and the nastier politicians are building careers on.
But we'll never find alternatives as long as we are wasting our resources on will-o'-the-wisp fantasies.
There are even those who are in denial still that the world has ceased to get warmer (15-20 years it did that) and has turned colder for 8 years now .
xxxxxxxxx cs
FROM THE NEXT ICE AGE NOW - Not by Fire But by Ice
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Britannia Radio