Monday, December 1, 2008 |
Dry Bones: Obama's Team & Pollard? |
Courtesy of Yaacov Kirschen, Mr. Dry Bones Justice4JPnews - December 1, 2008 To view the toon "Obama's Team" "Obama's new team will pick up where the Clinton presidency left off! You mean when they promised to free Jonathan Pollard but pardoned Marc Rich instead?" When he left office in January 2001, President Clinton refused clemency to Jonathan Pollard,in spite of his repeated express commitments to Israel to free Pollard in return for numerous heavy concessions, in spite of his commitment to free Pollard as an integral part if the Wye Accords and in spite of the grotesque injustices of the Pollard case which includesa grossly disproportionate sentence Will Obama's team do something? Will President Bush? Will American Jews find the courage to speak up at last? Your thoughts? For background information, see J4JP: +The Clemency Page articles +The Wye Double- Cross Page articles +A Pardon to Remember - (The Marc Rich Debacle) -- JUSTICE FOR JONATHAN POLLARD Website: RSS: |