Army Brigades Train for Homeland Response Mission
[ participated in a press conference (teleconference) held by officials from the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) on December 11.] The first active-duty unit dedicated to supporting US civilian authorities in the event of a nuclear, biological or chemical attack is wrapping up three days of intensive training in tactics to be used within the continental United States, according to Armed Forces Press Service representative Donna Miles.......
by NWV News
The Greater Good is Militarily Mandatory
The concept of the greater good, created by think tanks and spewed by generations of politicians, provided the impetus for the usurpation of our Constitution. The greater good is a strategically scripted morality campaign and code to force-manipulate American people into accepting total social, military, and technological controls. The greater good is the reason why we are “sacrificing” our religions, our homes and private property, our jobs and incomes, our retirements and savings, our automobiles, and most particularly, our ability to have.......
by Nancy Levant
Automakers Don’t Need Loans - They Need Customers
But now, jobs are in jeopardy – those that still have one. Credit cards are maxed out – those that haven’t been canceled – and the prospects for prosperity next year, real or illusionary, are fading with each new report on our collapsing economy. That’s why so many are now dining at McDonalds, shopping at Wal-Mart and not buying anything they can’t eat or live without......
Paul Proctor
To Whom the Wealth is Spread
Watching the early moves of Barack Obama has been enlightening. They have been the actions of someone who does not completely understand the politics of Middle America, but who is at least aware of that shortcoming. A recent example of this was his choice to wait until 2010 before considering the possibility of repealing the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy for homosexuals. Though it was formerly a campaign promise, Obama’s sudden hesitancy betrayed a realization that it was not a priority that he could fulfill unscathed........
by Rudy Takala
Saturday, 13 December 2008
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Britannia Radio