Beyond Redemption
I believe that Barack Obama is not the man of perdition. I believe that he is a Marxist, a godless secularist, and that he will continue many of the failed policies of the Bush administration, especially in regard to disastrous and ill conceived economic rescue efforts, a failure to endeavor to make society a cohesive structure of people with common interests and goals, and a continued program for open borders and undocumented and unrestricted immigration........
by Sheriff Jim Schweisow, Ret.
Should Palin be Conservative of the Year?
The influential conservative newspaper Human Events has named Alaska Governor and Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin “Conservative of the Year.” For embracing the vocation of motherhood and articulating conservative Christian views as a political figure, she deserves the title. But it turns out that she is not so conservative on some critical economic and international issues........
by Cliff Kincaid
Who Will Stand Up For The US Constitution?
Every U.S. Senator and Representative has taken an oath of office to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. In consideration of the above undisputed facts and the failure of any body, agency, or office so tasked or so authorized, to vet Obama’s eligibility to the office of president; every U.S. Senator and Representative has a sworn duty to write, sign and file an objection in accordance with 3 USC, Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 15.........
by Lynn Stuter
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
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Britannia Radio