David Vance # I was amused to see the BBC do everything possible to ameliorate the news that fatal stabbings are at a 30 year high in England Wales. Spot the lovingly inserted caveats in this BBC report today! "Fatal stabbings in England and Wales have risen to their highest level in three decades, say the Conservatives. The unconfirmed claim comes as the government unveils tougher new community sentences for those convicted of carrying knives. The Tories say police figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show 277 stabbing deaths in 2007-8, the highest since records began in 1977. The government disputed the claim and said overall violent crime was falling." Does Labour write these "news" reports and just email them to the BBC? Labels: anti-conservative, pro Labour bias Comments: 9 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Well folks, I looked forward to getting the latest analysis of the cleansing of Gaza from the BBC's Middle East editor Jeremy Al Bowen and I was not disappointed. According to Jeremy, the suffering is all on side (Hint - andit's not that of Israel) Jeremy also was quick to pour scorn on Israel's current military and political assumptions for good measure. A Gazan "doctor" was then wheeled on to inform us that wicked Israel is now targeting families and kids. This isn't news, folks, it is rank Pali-propaganda and we are witnessing the BBC in full-on anti-Israel mode. Labels: anti-Israel, pro HamasBiased BBC Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, 29 December 2008
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Britannia Radio