Radio Solent (no relation whatsoever!) reports that four animal rights activists have been convicted of blackmail, criminal damage, extortion, bomb threats... So what is Radio Solent's response to this? To give the microphone to a spokeswoman for the criminal group responsible so that she could justify their actions, of course. Listen here; it's 1 hour 57 minutes in. Hat tip: Chuffer. Comments: 3 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # Well, as we approach year end, I thought it might be fun to review 2008 in terms of the worst example of BBC bias that springs to mind! I was looking back over events and I suppose the BBC's utterly disgraceful one-sided coverage of the US Presidential election campaign stands out - with Justin Webb in particular provoking widespread criticism from this site and its readership. (He has, predictably, been promoted by the BBC as a result of his bias) Then again, we had the "Save Gordon" campaign with the BBC choosing to present our lamentable freak of a Prime Minister as if he were the saviour of the Universe. Funniest moment for me was Gordon confirming in the Commons that he had saved the world! Along the way there has been so much unbalanced left-wing bias from the BBC that it is a veritable target rich environment. So what stands out for YOU, dear reader? Labels: Biased BBC Comments: 48 (unread) - Biased BBC Home David Vance # I don't normally get to hear the main "Today" political interview as I normally otherwise engaged by 8am but this morning I did catch it and what a gem it was. Essentially, it was a ten minute sneer from John Humphyrs. US Ambassador Bob Tuttle was in the studio and the subject was the Bush legacy so you can imagine the vitriol dripping from Humphyrs mouth. To be honest I thought the Ambassador showed remarkable restraint given the relentless provocation from John Humphrys. Every lurid left wing imagination over the past eight years was trotted out to damn the outgoing President. It was a useful insight into how the BBC thinks - and very unpleasant at that! Did you hear it? Labels: anti-American, anti-BushBiased BBC Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Natalie #Radio Solent: serving all sections of the community
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
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Britannia Radio