Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Biased BBC
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
David Vance #


I see the BBC has been trailing tomorrow's Queen's speech. It appears she makes reference to the worries that "extremist violence" bring around the world. Mmm.."extremist violence" --- as in Bombay for example, as in Afghanistan...oh, now I get, they meant to say Islamic violence. Peace on earth, goodwill to Jihadists, right? I wish the BBC did not read from the same supine lexicon as this dhimmified Government but of course the BBC is really just a part OF government so we can expect to see further Islamic violence in 2009 sanitised from any connection with Islam.


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David Vance #


South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu is one of those to whom the BBC always shows great respect. That makes me suspicious of him and so it isthis morning, Christmas Eve, that the BBC has been trailing Tutu claiming that South Africa had lost "moral leadership" by not taking a stand against Mugabe. Tutu goes on to claim that the use of force should be considered to remove this tyrant from power since he is persecuting his own people. Two points here; 1. Where has Tutu been for the past few decades on this issue? Zimbabwe, the bread-basket of Africa, has been systematically turned into a basket-case by the Marxist Mugabe and I can't recall too many protest by Tutu. 2. Interesting that the BBC echoes the request by Tutu for the "international coimmunity"to consider force to topple the tyrant in power I seem to recall Tutu joining in the chorus for the "international community" NOT to use force to topple another tyrant from power. Presumably Desmond reckons the life of an Iraqi is worth less than that of African. It strikes me that Tutu is himself a moral hypocrite but the BBC will never ask any hard questions of him. The BBC have their little favourites and this elite are truly blessed at this, and indeed every other season, insofar as they can say what they want without fear of any contradiction.


Comments: 2 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


Well folks, this is my first Christmas here on B-BBC and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your support over 2008. It's very much appreciated and I hope I have been able to provide you with at least some good material over the past twelve months. I'd also like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. I will be blogging over the holidays so please keep dropping by for more fun and games as we dissect Auntie.


Comments: 14 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


At this festive season, I am touched to read on the BBC that sales ofHalal Turkeys are booming "as they enable Muslims in Yorkshire to join in the festive season." Turkey - the true meaning of Christmas, right? Thank god (Allah) that the BBC have the resources to bring us this kind of insight, well worth the license-tax.


Comments: 6 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


Have to laugh at the content of the BBC item "Scandal probe clears Obama team." Phew, what a relief that is knowing that The One's team had "no inappropriate discussions" with Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich. That's the review conducted by Greg Craig, one of Obama's trusted legal advisers. Not even a trace of a conflict of interests there then, right? Naturally all this Obama sanitisation is swallowed by the BBC's intrepid journalists.