china confidential
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Hamas Threatens New Suicide Attacks on Israel
Hamas has ended its truce with Israel. Rocket fire from Gaza is escalating. The Iranian-backed Islamist terrorist group is threatening to launch a new round of suicide attacks against the Jewish state.
Haarets reports:The Israel Defense Forces is preparing to escalate its activities at the Gaza Strip border in response to continuing Qassam rocket and mortar fire into the western Negev.
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On Saturday alone 13 rockets and 20 mortar rounds were fired into Israel. No one was injured, but one rocket damaged a kibbutz building. The violence came after Hamas' official announcement that it would not extend its six-month cease-fire with Israel. Putin to West: Don't Try to Destabilize Russia
Oleg Shchedrov reports from Moscow:Prime Minister Vladimir Putin warned Russia's foes on Friday against trying to destabilize a country facing broadening economic crisis, Russian news agencies reported.
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Putin did not specify who might pose a threat to Russia's stability. But in the past, he has often blamed Western security services of trying to destabilize the country using opposition groups and non-governmental organizations as their instruments.
"Any attempts to weaken or destabilize Russia, harm the interests of the country will be toughly suppressed," they quoted ex-KGB spy Putin as telling an annual meeting of top spies and security officers ahead of their professional holiday.Madoff Mystery Partner is Space Alien
Dateline USA....
If you believe the above headline is true, this reporter has a uranium mine on Mars that he would like to sell you.
But consider what we are being led to believe: that the man behind the biggest financial fraud in history--the first truly global Ponzi scheme--acted alone.
It boggles the mind. Like the Lone Gunman Theory, the Lone Fraudster Theory is ridiculous. In fact, Lee Harvey Oswald's magic bullet makes more sense than Bernie Madoff's magic touch--and superhuman ability to personally manage at least two sets of books in addition to trading records and accounts for the victims of his $50 billion scam.
Even a common bank robber or jewel thief typically works with a getaway driver.
But Bernie Madoff, we are told, acted alone. No accountants and bookkeepers, no lawyers, no clerical workers and administrative staff, no technical support--nothing. His wife knew nothing. His two sons--who suspiciously never invested with their father--knew nothing. His niece, who is married to a former SEC regulator, knew nothing. The feeder funds knew nothing. The salesmen who shlepped money from charities knew nothing. Nobody knew. Nobody suspected. Nobody helped Uncle Bernie. He did it all by himself, believe it or not.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Foreign Confidential....
Foreign Confidential....
Posted by
Britannia Radio