Something very odd had happened to the daily updated graph on the official Nansen website last weekend, writesChristopher Booker. 21 Dec 2008 If the politicians who run the European Union were found to be acting repeatedly in gross breach of their own it would be thought worthy of some attention, writes Christopher Booker. 21 Dec 2008 A bizarre confrontation in Hradcany Castle confirms the inablilty of the Euro-elite to accept anyone else's opinions, writesChristopher Booker. 14 Dec 2008 Last week, as blizzards closed roads and schools across northern England and Scotland, the Governmen issued its first report on how Britain is to meet the terrifying threat of global warming, writes Christopher Booker. 18 Dec 2008 For every law passed by Parliament, scores are now handed down by the EU, leaving our elected MPs with ever less to do, says Christopher Booker. 18 Dec 2008 The fact that America will soon be ruled by a man wholly under the spell of post-scientific hysteria may leave us in wondering despair, says Christopher Booker. 19 Dec 2008 Nothing enrages Christopher Booker's friend more than the obscenity of the quota rules which force fisherman every year to "discard" hundreds of thousands of tons of saleable fish to feed the seagulls. 19 Dec 2008 Second only to the melting of the Arctic ice and those "drowning" polar bears, there is no scare with which the global warmists more like to chill our blood than the fast-vanishing glaciers of the Himalayas, says Christopher Booker. 19 Dec 2008 A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming, writes Christopher Booker. 18 Dec 2008 The Opposition must stop dragging its feet and lend all the weight it can to investigating the deaths of the 38 soldiers ordered to drive vehicles which offered no protection against mines and bombs, writesChristopher Booker. 18 Dec 2008 This week Christopher Booker finds something else to his distaste with the European Union. 18 Dec 2008 If the Climate Change Bill's intent is taken seriously, the cost of cutting our CO2 emissions by 80 per cent would cripple our economy, warnsChristopher Booker. 15 Dec 2008 Even in these dark times, it is still possible to be shocked when our Prime Minister personally endorses a flagrant perversion of the truth, writesChristopher Booker. 20 Dec 2008 The most potentially damaging move in Gordon Brown's recent Government reorganisation could well be his setting up of a wholly new ministry, called the Department of Energy and Climate Change, claims Christopher Booker. 20 Dec 2008 Christopher Booker reveals a crucial factor in the financial crisis has gone almost unnoticed. 17 Dec 2008Christopher Booker
Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.
Facts melted by 'global warming'
Tehran's wish is law to Brussels
Czech leader in shock after EU assault
Blizzard of mad proposals descends on UK
The Queen's Speech reveals how few decisions Parliament has left to make
Obama proposes economic suicide for US
A fisherman who waived the rules
Stubborn glaciers fail to retreat, awkward polar bears continue to multiply
The world has never seen such freezing heat
Tories must call for inquiry into Snatch Land Rover scandal
Waves of EU law leave us foundering
This Bill makes chilling reading
Brown puffs the great wind scam
With this 'hero' to lead us, we're in deep trouble
The gigantic secret of the market crash
Sunday, 21 December 2008
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Britannia Radio