The Coming Dictatorship
In the final phase of this process, they desperately implore anyone who will stand still long enough to listen, trying to convince them that the same things they saw in their native countries – the things that led to Communist dictatorship – are now happening here. I have heard them many times. “It’s happening here! Don’t you see it?” But of course we do not. We are Americans. As the television commercials say, we deserve the best, the best house, the best car, the best doctor, the best education, etc. Besides, it can’t happen here, right?.......
by Alan Stang
Happy Days are Here Again
Our challenge in the face of engineered crises at every level is to resist the terror, alienation and lies being imposed on us by the purveyors of two-dimensional truths, the glittering distractions of a high-tech carny scam. With study and persistence, humans will endure. Our humanity is engrained in the structure of creation; “there is a providence which shapes our ends” and it is not global tyranny and slaughter........
Eugene Narrett, Ph.D
Are We to Apologize For Christmas?
One teacher told students they would adopt roles as Muslims for three weeks to help them learn what Muslims believe. She instructed them to use Muslim names, recited prayers in class, had them memorize and recite a passage from the Koran and made them give up something for a day, such as TV or candy, to simulate fasting during the month of Ramadan........
Laurie Roth
Saturday, 6 December 2008
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Britannia Radio