Populus survey of ethically and environmentally aware parents - concerned consumers - shows changed attitudes to Christmas Bernard Madoff, RBS, Arianna Huffington...and the crunch: a look back at the biggest - and most popular - business stories of the past year Nearly 23,000 small and medium-sized businesses plead for more time to pay their tax bills as finances become precarious Commerce Department figures show economy has shrunk by 0.5% between July and September, the sharpest fall in seven years Spain is now officially in recession, and New Zealand's downturn is expected to continue throughout next year Gap in UK's balance of payments widens despite weakening sterling, but the figures are better than feared Turin carmaker has admitted paying $4.3 million in kicksbacks to Saddam Hussein's regime between 2000 and 2003 The Deputy Governor of the Bank of England is perhaps being a little harsh on the MPC over the dangers of the asset price bubble Sir John Gieve, Deputy Governor, admits that the Bank of England underestimated the severity of the economic crisis Figures such as Roman Abramovich have seen the value of their companies collapse, forcing them to seek government aidECONOMICS
Festive spending tradition starts to disappear
The top business stories of 2008
Companies seek leeway as economy slumps
USA GDP worst decline since 9/11
Spain in recession as New Zealand woes grow
UK current account deficit widens to £7.72bn
Fiat pays $17.8m to settle Iraqi bribe claims
Clear and present danger at the Bank
Gieve admits Bank failed to spot crisis
Oligarchs go cap in hand to the Kremlin
Friday, 26 December 2008
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Britannia Radio