From a supporter and donor...First Happy New Year
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Be Safe for you and your family..and be prepared!
Yo HH.
Hello ,Hello,Hello;Happy New Year from Shipley ,Yorkshire.
Just a few ideas which you might consider for inclusion in future broadcasts.
People like yourself ,John Loeffler,,Alex Jones,.David Icke,etc.;are far further up the 'learning curve'
in the matters that you deal with than are most of us.
For that reason I think it would be interesting to your audience to have a 'spot' in which you focus on one
particular topic,and adduce all the evidence available towards a certain conclusion, starting from 'first principles'.
In other words ,to bring the 'dots' a bit closer together prior to joining them up.
For example (though it could be anything) by considering in detail the Federal Reserve Bank and everything that
is known about it. Its formation. how it came to be formed,its behaviour during its existence,who owns it ,
what is its status as a business organisation. In short ,consolidating all that is known about it in one exposure.
This feature could be tacked on to the end of your weekly broadcast, or be dealt with seperately.
You could also invite questions by email for the following weekly topic.
This might also have the beneficial effect of encouraging listener participation and interaction.The greater the level
of participation the audience have with Bitannia Radio the greater the liklehood that they
will subscribe/donate.
Well,It looks like the James Whale Forum is defunct, does the Britannia Radio Forum work at the moment?.
xxxxxxxxxx PS (AKA Major Hitch)
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Britannia Radio