God Has Left America
Complete annihilation or a breath of hope? Those are the crossroads where we as a country, and as individual Americans, stand. We must choose one of these roads. Throughout the Bible, the Lord showed favor on those people and nations who followed His ways and didn’t resort to pagan or ungodly practices, or observed and performed dishonest applications, or accepted decadence and moral erosion. Through His covenants, the people understood what was expected of them, and followed the “rules”; as a result, He blessed them.......
by Gianni Hayes, Ph.D
The Power Elite Playbook: Fascism and False Flags = War
Nagata Tetsuzan, in company with Obata Toshiro and Okamura Yasuji (all three trained in military intelligence) and Prince Hirohito, had met secretly at the German spa Baden-Baden on October 27, 1921 to plan a total war against the West. With the exception of Hirohito, all were then serving at Japanese embassies in Europe. They developed strategies to purge the army of the Samurai (knightly) leadership of the Choshu clan, to reorganize and modernize the army, and a plan to dominate Manchuria. Another young officer-attendee was Tojo Hideki, the future prime minister who would launch the Pacific war, the imperial scheme........
by Deanna Spingola
What gift do you want to send to your congressional representative?
The one in the Senate representing my views got my vote. That was his gift from me. The other one is just a stranger in the land of the free and the home of the brave. The senator that I voted for shows unique spunk since he believes in the Constitution, a rarity today. The other Republican incumbent senator is in a partnership with the Slick Willie crowd of Neo-cons who can’t understand that an alien invasion across our boarders is bad for America.......
by Lt. Col. Joe Kress, Ret.
Games Children Play
When I was writing a weekly “Truth In Education” column I frequently attended teachers’ meetings and conventions. While there I would pick up information about materials to be used in classrooms. In my column of September 2, 1976 I included copy from a promotion brochure of a Madison, Wisconsin firm that distributed its board games to schools in Wisconsin and throughout the country. The following is actual copy from the brochure advertising its games for children.......
by Erica Carle
Sunday, 14 December 2008
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Britannia Radio