GOP Senator Warns of ‘Riots’ if Automakers Are Bailed Out Jim Rogers using rally to exit dollar assets EU leaders to ‘bribe’ Irish voters into backing controversial Lisbon Treaty at second referendum Ron Paul: Printing Money Only Prolongs The Pain Russia to West: Keep out of our backyard India maintains Pakistan link to attacks Assisted dying ‘glorified’ by show Rep. Reyes: Obama Should Keep Torture Apologists Hayden, McConnell New EU Treaty Vote For Ireland
Time and again we’ve heard about the lost jobs and economic impact of failing to bail out the beleaguered American auto manufacturers. But little mention has been made of the consequences of going through with the bailout, and how such an action would be viewed by other Americans.
Investor Jim Rogers said on Thursday he has been using the sharp rally in the U.S. dollar as an opportunity to exit assets denominated in the U.S. currency.
• Jim Rogers calls most big U.S. banks “bankrupt”
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European Union leaders are set to sign a deal to effectively bribe Irish voters to back the Lisbon Treaty.
• Support for identity cards falls
Amidst the hand-wringing of the automaker bailout debate, Ron Paul took the opportunity on the House floor yesterday to remind Congress that the real culprit behind the financial crisis is the Federal Reserve, and that allowing the Fed to continue to print money without audit will only prolong the pain.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says the EU is Moscow’s strategic partner but warns Brussels against meddling in its backyard.
• Greek protests spread with arrests across Europe
India's top law enforcement official Thursday said suspicion points "unmistakably" to a Pakistani link to the Mumbai terrorist attacks.
A television programme which shows a man ending his life in an assisted suicide has been accused of being the latest “reality TV” stunt.
Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-TX), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told Congress Daily that President-elect Obama should keep Mike McConnell on as Director of National Intelligence and Michael Hayden as head of the CIA. He said Obama should keep “continuity” in the intelligence sector because we live in “a world that is very dangerous.”
Ireland is set to hold a second vote on the stalled EU constitutional treaty next year, the EU has said.
Operation Northwoods Exposed
Operation Northwoods Exposed - Starring Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and James Bamford.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
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Britannia Radio