Friday, 12 December 2008

Gordon Brown has been the most powerful person in the British
economy for 11 1/2 years, so he is *more culpable* than anyone else. 

He has also promoted and lauded that disgusting god of  globalisation, 
and so helped make British people hostages to other people's fortunes 
and misfortunes.
Why can't someone pay me to write
tripe for national newspapers. I *last* wrote about this in mid-
October highlighting the lie the government was spinning:


...and have been saying so for over a year.
The bubble *was* _public policy_ at least from around the year 2000.

 It's about time that someone challenged the xenophobia which uses
 America as a scapegoat and also blames the banks who saw regulators
 who didn't regulate and took advantage of Brown's dereliction of his

 Brown,  savaged by the Germans and now
 this. AND Cameron savaged him too.

 BROWN CREATED THIS CRISIS all on his own. Remember that as ruin
 stares us in the face.

xxxxxxxxxxxxx cs
 TELEGRAPH 11.12.08
 Gordon Brown must blame himself, not the USA
 The Prime Minister's finger-pointing is an attempt to disguise his
 own culpability.

 Irwin Stelzer