HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN Dr. Eugene Narrett, Ph.D "The U.S. credit card industry may pull back over two trillion dollars worth of lines in the next 18 months due to risk aversion and regulatory changes…we expect available consumer liquidity to decline by 45%." [1] The narrative-elect plans to ‘stimulate’ the economy by hundreds of billions of spending on “infrastructure” and public schools; can you say, “WPA?” sure you can. Perhaps the NEA and teacher’s unions have a hand in this pot, and what are children taught in public schools? As a progressive wrote in 1959, “orientation and counseling” and of course, large dollops of “world citizenship” and political correctness, that is, one must follow not only the speech code but, in time and by absorption, the thought code: one must not think but obey... Public schools are a somnambulant hypnopaedia; the pc codes replace the mind “till the sum of suggestions is the child’s mind.” Can you say “fascism?” sure you can. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood where peace means war and ignorance is strength. As I’ve noted before, progressivism, which is powered by the neo-Malthusian elites, is regression, impoverishment and sterility, the reduction of nations, families, language and thought. We do not have wars against states that sponsor the murder of civilians; we have a “war on terror,” a shadow war waged by shadows and sold by shadows of shadows, the media complementing very real ‘spooks.’ The fading distinction between virtual reality and life is further effaced by the ministrants of “coverage,” that is, smog, the distraction machine. If the “birth certificate flap” remains marginalized, Senator Hillary Clinton will be Secretary of State. As early as 2002 the media declared quite openly that she “was being positioned as tough on defense.” Defense of what; what does ‘tough’ mean? “Fair and balanced” says she is “a hawk” and “conservative” on national security. Public education turns humans into persons for whom such slogans go down easy. Machiavelli won; perception is everything in a world in which “winning,” narrowly defined as power “is the only thing” of significance. “Smile and the world smiles with you;” okay, but “there is a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance.” Today is “a time to embrace, to love, and also “a time for war,” for real war against the enemies of civilization and a sanctifying culture that loves life and chooses life. The great verses show that “the time to weep, mourn, embrace, love and war are in parallel, part of the package. It is essential to rend to veil of lies, built of corruption of speech and distraction, and “to seek” the way for children to be born of real not virtual embraces, and for fields to be planted with real wheat [2]. These verses were never more pertinent, for at the end of the dominion of Esau all the negations of full life expose themselves blatantly as dogma. The Darwinists, neo-Malthusians, their progressive and cultic helpers have been engaged in a multi-faceted attack on families and love for nearly two centuries, surely since 1848. Few things are more horrible than the “gender wars” they cultivated and ignited (under the seductive guise of a “sexual revolution”) as a complement to the depopulation of the countryside, the concentration of populations, and the patenting of seed the better to poison and own this precious and miraculous world. The desecration and ruin of the tomb of Joseph in October 2000 marked the “desolation of the seed” that transforms the peace the Creator ‘built-in’ as the potential and blessing of our era into the subjugation to be accomplished by war and even more, by shadow war that enshrouds, separates, bewilders and blinds us. Monsanto, al Qaeda and the various enablers of these wars are on one side, humanity is on the other. Right now it’s looking like the Alamo and Masada…Thanks to various empires, “most historical facts are unpleasant,” but they need not be [3]. They’re running images of obit’s head superimposed on the body of FDR, Washington and Lincoln. The ‘loyal opposition’ grows loud about the inconsistencies between “Obama’s rhetoric” and “his team,” that is, the team that operates the narrative called “Obama” and that will carry out “his” policies. But who is he? Perhaps it depends on what you think the meaning of the word “is” is… The President does not run the Executive Branch, much less “the government” which has more to do with the “Council of Thirty,” the governors of the EU and IMF than with any of us in our districts or as a nation. “Global governance is a reality; we have it today” [4]. Still, the cartoon splice of presidents rends for a moment the veil of fake issues exposing a parade of gray-suited grafters whose hand-maids deploy cynical, wacky humor to distract us from the scripted take-down now underway behind the powers’ perfect pc facade. We do not know who caused the carnage in Mumbai, India though various agencies employ jihadist groups that have been a world presence for fourteen centuries. We do know that it was an occasion for the merging of Indian mass media into our own as the spectacle was performed for almost three days. CNN and FOX were among the networks that frequently gave their whole screen to Indian TV broadcasts, reporters and anchors; even when the home stations ran their own coverage Indian TV was a featured ‘box’ on the screen, “shadows of shadows.” We are in the midst of financial crises engineered over many years, even decades going back to events as disparate as the “Community Redevelopment Act” (1977), outsourcing, by government spending of citizen’s taxes and permitted depletion of our fishing grounds by foreign nations. One can hardly imagine “global governance” without these crises. Not the Reichstag but the Taj Mahal Hotel was burning while Indian television assured us that their commandos were “the best in the world.” “War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery;” Happy Days are impoverishment, distrust and tyranny. The manipulators of the therapeutic State, and their legions of ‘helpers’ make us sick and then sell the cure; “the sadder people were, the more the loudspeakers played” [5]. “Rescue” means destruction and “bail out” means a stove-boat. The ship is sinking; the Captains prefer a trimmer ship with smaller crew and less human cargo-resources. In this era of “organized forgetting …things had lost their names; [the] text had become incomprehensible” except to those who write the script or the few who can see through its shimmer to the new de-humanized narratives of a world where one is to see, buy and salivate but not to touch, never to embrace. We have been “forbidden to remember” and that stratagem is so effectively achieved by the media it need not be decreed or openly enforced. True education grows ever more important in a world that is being infantilized and addicted to the sensate, to the elevation of sensation over thoughtfulness; infants have no memory and are readily conditioned to deny their nature [6]. A world that worships an infant or infantilism has given up on maturity and generative bonds; one whose rulers in time will force it so to give up and become “like our Ford,” an infant tutored by public schools in “elementary sex” and “elementary class consciousness” where “everyone belongs to everyone else” and all dissonance is washed away at a fortnightly “solidarity service” culminating in the communal “orgy porgy” at the Aphroditaeum; a “Greater Being” for the “universal benevolence” of global governance: as the man said, “it’s a reality.” Already children are taught to be “drops in the social river,” to bask in its “inner light” and quaff its “loving cup” [7]. What is this impoverished and impoverishing love like? We observed the triumph of the sensate, its cruel, its lethal indifference and volatile selfishness in the trampling to death of a salesperson in Valley Stream, NY. The Darwinists of “progress” elevate the animal and degrade the human; nearly all of what they have done to the world today is a subset to the essay, “Cage Fights on Animal Planet.” The madness of relativism, the egomania of “the inner light” preached by female raptors raised its head in the second decade of this nation’s settlement via Anne Hutchinson and antinomianism. When they still taught “content” in schools, the Puritans were presented as bigoted killjoys who burned witches; that was the narrative. But they were struggling to subordinate the eruption of “individual revelation” which in time, dumbed-down to pop culture has become the dogma of our times. Anne Hutchinson was the first feminist and Oprah on these shores. Consider these words from her examination by Governor John Winthrop and his commission in 1637: “the ground of these [social] disturbances” your preaching has caused, he said, is the spontaneous “revelations” of “spirit” by which she has very much abused [misled] the country…it is not tolerable or comely in the sight of God nor fitting for your sex.” The Antinomian subversives, Winthrop added first appealed to women “as the more flexible…and if once they could wind them in [to their agenda] they hoped, as by an Eve to catch their husbands also, which indeed proved too often true amongst us” [8]. So is it true to this day and the “spiritual volatility of women” has been not just a Puritan complaint but a primary engine of social disintegration, the breaking of the eggs that prepares the global omelet. In Papua New Guinea, women murder new-born boys (shades of Pharaonic Egypt) to forestall feuds [9]; does this culture need change? Imagine the outcry of the world media and ‘thought-leaders’ if they were murdering girls; one needn’t imagine: those who tutor us about the unique wisdom of alien cultures rail frenziedly against grandmothers performing age-old rites of female circumcision. To judge by some feminist behavior, perhaps they know something we should learn from these ‘primitives.’ In any case, the hypocrisy of the elites is clear. By contrast to Anne Hutchinson and later feminists, a reading of the poetry of Anne Bradstreet, the first poet published in America shows that these wonderful people were quite aware of the joys and importance of physical love and quite able to blend study, learning, house and farm work with raising large families. Mistress Bradstreet had eight children about whom she wrote wonderful poems; she also wrote understated but glowing poems of love and appreciation for her husband, Simon and her father Thomas Dudley. Given the collapse of modernity’s most basic relationships and institutions, it is good to consider her verses on the pagan Greeks and their philosophy, the idol of Academia for two centuries and on women’s relation to men. Echoing John Milton’s comments on the “wandering mazes” of Greek philosophy and its appeal for fallen souls, Bradstreet wrote, “The Greeks did naught but play the fools and lie” in deifying the arts and unaided human reason. Regarding female “muses,” and to forestall any revolutionary debates about the place of men and women, she added, Let Greeks be Greeks, and women what they are; Anne Bradstreet, William Bradford, Winthrop, Peter Bulkeley, Isaac Davis and many more whose names are forgotten, were good and discerning people who understood, like Shakespeare what we would become if the dogma of individual self-election, the improvised personal narrative became the paradigm for teaching and self-perfection. As the narrative of a virtual-elect is imposed by its authors, the true lives and concerns of the founders and Puritans are distorted into the postmodern narrative and even their names, like most history are forgotten by those about to get a “stimulus package” taken from them, hastening us toward the abyss of progress. So rather than peace, abundance, marital complementarity and treasuring of seed we have a war and world of terror, of shadows and suspicion such as the tempted Macbeth created, with his domineering wife’s prodding, in Scotland a thousand years ago: But cruel are the times when we are traitors [Order Dr. Eugene Narrett's books click here] Herding us toward a future of virtual life, of triumphant lies masked “by color-of-law” imposed as self-evident “truths,” the coercive utopians intent on rescuing us from our humanity are like an ambitious murderer; like monstrously powerful “faithless pilgrims” or “sordid buccaneers” that confound fantasy and reality and put the world into the madness that seized the mind of Macbeth: “present fears” yield to “horrible imaginings.” Under their sway, human beings are shaken as by a contagion, -- as in the mad mob scene at the climax of Hawthorne’s great tale – “and nothing is but what is not,” a description of virtual reality four centuries before it was imposed by technology in service of what is most terrible, the lust for power and desire to seize the power of God [12]. From geo-politics to GM food to Culturetainment we inherit a world of terror developed from Romantic Gothicism and its medieval original: “The wheel will come full circle.” Our challenge in the face of engineered crises at every level is to resist the terror, alienation and lies being imposed on us by the purveyors of two-dimensional truths, the glittering distractions of a high-tech carny scam. With study and persistence, humans will endure. Our humanity is engrained in the structure of creation; “there is a providence which shapes our ends” and it is not global tyranny and slaughter. Footnotes: 1. Meredith Whitney, banking analyst, Oppenheimer Fund, Britannia Radio, 12-01-08 © 2008 Eugene Narrett - All Rights Reserved
December 5, 2008
Men have precedency and still excel,
It is but vain unjustly to wage war;
Men can do best, and women know it well.
Preeminence in all and each is yours;
Yet grant some small acknowledgement of ours. [10]
And do not know ourselves; when we hold rumor
From what we fear, yet know not what we fear
But float upon a wild and violent sea
Each way and move... [11]
2. King Solomon, Koheleth (“Ecclesiastes”), 3:1-9; two leading figures in the IRA were British agents, and IRA torturer was in the Royal Marines
3. Imperial Rome was so focused on absolute domination that they forced their Jewish slaves literally to build a ridge, visible and you can climb it to this day, to the fortress atop the high butte in the southern Judean hills so they could roll up their siege engines and kill all the men, women and children trying to live there. They already had destroyed the land; but no one, however remote, would be allowed to live outside the boot heel of the Empire. Gamla is too little known; a fortress atop a high ridge among thickly forested sheer ravines in the Golan Heights it was the scene of one of history’s greatest last stands against enormous odds in 135 as a few hundred Jews fought to the death against the legions of Hadrian. Go and see it in tribute to liberty, memory, and national self-determination. See the empire’s “solution” for dulling the painful history it inflicts as described in chapter 2 of Huxley’s Brave New World.
4. Strobe Talbott quoted by Cliff Kincaid, “Former Clinton Official Named as Russian Dupe,” AIM March 04, 2008
5. Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter & Forgetting (Harper Perennial Classics, 1996 revised English translation), part 6, section 18.
6. Kundera, op. cit. 6, 2-4; Aldous Huxley, Brave New World(1932; 1998 Harper Perennial Classics), chapter 2, 19-29
7. Huxley, op. cit. p. 27, 41-5; chapter 5, part 2, pp. 78-86, when all “are made One” and “perfect” in neo-pagan hi-tech fusion; fusion music, synthesized cultures (multi-culturalism); orgy-porgy…
8. “The Examination of Mrs. Anne Hutchinson before the Court in Newtown, November 1637 as found in The Puritans in America: a Narrative Anthology, Heimert and Delbanco (Harvard 1985), 128- 63. John Winthrop also delivered the famous “city on a hill” lay sermon on the ship Arbella in 1630.
9. The Brisbane Times, “Papua New Guinea women kill male babies to end war,” December 01, 2008; this seems a “peace movement” that feminists could approve since they have defined normal intercourse as “rape” and bent the curriculum, advertisements and “family law” to reflect their madness.
10. Anne Bradstreet, from stanzas 6 and 7 of the Prologue to her “Contemplations”; Bradstreet knew that some folks, women especially felt she had no business neglecting her family-centered work for writing but she believed that the two could complement each other and should not be seen as being rebellious. Her poems to her father, to “her dear and loving husband,” her “letter to her husband absent upon public employment” back in England; her poems on her children, the loss of her grandchildren and on “the burning of her house” are great in their depth, simplicity of heart and affirmations of faith. The tragedy of the West’s “progress” made women like Hutchinson and her alienating, solipsistic sensibility rather than Bradstreet become the model of our civilization which, as a result, has disintegrated at an accelerating pace. One of the most sad, fascinating and instructive aspects of American history is how the society and sensibility of Anne Bradstreet in 260 years became the society that adored Edna St. Vincent Millay. We inherit the whirlwind in which an entire generation and more have grown up with the notion, refracted through myriad laws, images, texts, and slogans that “feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice” or “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” Were Bradstreet alive today, -- would that it were so – she would thrash the propagators of this culture-destroying bilge and drive them from our shores.
11. Shakespeare, Macbeth (c.1607), 4.2.18-22, the harried Ross striving to explain to Lady Macduff why her husband has journeyed to England and the tenor of the times of betrayal and deceit.
12. The first quotes here are from Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness; the Hawthorne tale referenced is “My Kinsman, Major Molineux” (1832), see my previous two essays on the madness of “direct democracy” and its contempt for honorable age, tradition and the bonds that link the generations, enabling a humane future. The final quotes are from Macbeth as he considers the murder of his king, Duncan, and the disintegration of his mind, his ability to reason under the temptation to power of “the instruments of darkness,” 1.3.137-42.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
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