Harold - an additional info on this story?
An Englishman is beheaded in his front yard. The world is silent.
Patrick McGee, a 63 year old unmarried pensioner living in the diverse Crumpsall District of Manchester, England, was murdered and beheaded in his front garden at about 9 p.m. on December 15. The murder was reported in the Mail on the 17th, and, thanks to a reader who quickly sent me the item, I immediately posted something on it, at 12:43 a.m., December 17. It is now noon, December 18. I just googled ""patrick mcgee beheaded"", and the most-read page at the Google results page is my VFR entry. So it's a repetition of the coverage of the Canadian beheading last summer, when VFR was the most visited site that used the word "Muslim" in connection with the likelihood that the beheader was a Muslim. But here the lack of mainstream coverage is worse: VFR is the most visited site that simply states that Patrick McGee was beheaded. Second on the results page is the Mail story that I originally linked. There's also a BNP item, "Pensioner's Beheading Passes Unremarked." There's a blog at the Telegraph, quoting (without attribution) the BNP item. There's a Stormfront item, which copies the Mail article, followed by one anodyne comment. (I was surprised to see anything at StormFront at all, given the fact that as Jew-haters they downplay the Islamic threat.). The rest of the links are to obscure blogs.
So that's it. Two and a half days after the murder and beheading of a retired Englishman in front of his house, there has been only one mainstream news article about it, the original Mail story. None of the English columnists who make a specialty of warning about Islamic extremism and the rampant violence in today's Britain have mentioned it. Melanie Phillips has had nothing on it.
Furthermore, the Mail, the only paper that did cover the murder, did not exactly cover itself with glory. Here's the headline and lead sentence:
Neighbour held after pensioner decapitated and head dumped in wheelie bin 'after row over noise'
A pensioner was decapitated and his head dumped in a wheelie bin apparently after a disagreement over noise.
A man is beheaded, and it's attributed to "a disagreement over noise"? What does that remind you of? Remember Ann Pressly who was raped and murdered in her home in Little Rock last month, her entire head bashed in, every bone in her face broken, her jawbone showing through her shattered face, which was the way her mother found her, and the authorities and papers for weeks reported it as "a random burglary"?
This is the evil system under which we in the West are now living, a system in which monstrous crimes are committed, and--especially when they are done by minorities against whites--they are "routinized," their real nature concealed or thinned out, so that there is no reaction to them, the danger is not noticed. We are living under a belief system and a government-media complex that passively or actively intend our destruction.
- end of initial entry -
Hannon writes:
Also see theforumsite.com that's linked on the first page of Google results for the Manchester beheading
It mentions the Mail's editing of their initial online story to remove the national origin of the suspect: Filipino. Something tells me the guy isn't Catholic.
Bill Carpenter writes:
The English used to flay the Vikings they caught and nail their hides to the doors of churches. Though the authenticity of this practice is now disputed, the spirit of retribution formerly manifested towards foreign malefactors is not. When 800 Danes landed in Devon in 878, most were killed in battle, and the rest were hanged. In 1002, King Aethelred ordered all the Danes in England killed in what is now known as the St. Brice's Day massacre.
In normal circumstances, common sense dictates a healthy, open, and flexible ethnocentrism. Communities want both to preserve themselves and to enrich themselves from contact with outsiders. However, in the face of threats from outsiders, such openness must give way to ferocity. Survival is infinitely more valuable than enrichment. That is just a feature of reality, the exigencies of which are codified in natural law.
Since we think of the coming of Christ at this season, we might reflect that his coming did not abrogate natural law. It deepened our relation to it, by inviting us to identify with the divine perspective even as we live in the Creation. That gives us a complex perspective: even as we fight our enemies, pursuant to our divinely mandated duty to preserve our own nation, which is a creation of God's providence, we recognize them as creatures of the Lord.
Laura G. writes:
What a scene! As usual, you seem to be covering an issue that is just too horrific for the tender sensibilities of our delicate citizens to know about, to speak of, or to think about. And it is certainly too dreadfully un-p.c. to propose any action which might hinder the future beheadings of our citizens.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
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Britannia Radio