Hi, here is your weekly round-up of highlights from OUT-LAW News. As always, there are plenty of other stories from this week. You can also access our archive of weekly emails.
This week's news on OUT-LAW.COM
Why the IWF was wrong to lift its ban on a Wikipedia page
EDITORIAL: The Internet Watch Foundation faced a storm of criticism this week over its decision to add a Wikipedia entry to a blacklist of pages that ISPs block. Under pressure, the IWF removed the image from its blacklist. That decision was a mistake.
Web accessibility moves forward as WCAG 2.0 comes into force
The de facto standard for web accessibility was updated for the first time since 1999 today. Version two of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, or WCAG 2.0, has been published following several years of development and debate.
Meg Whitman loses bid for governor domain names
Former eBay chief Meg Whitman has lost a claim for megwhitman2010.com and four other domain names that she says exploit her fame. An arbitration body said that fame is not enough to assert common law trade mark rights over a name.
Company Names Tribunal's first ruling: Coke Cola needs a new name
A company called Coke Cola Limited has been ordered to change its name and pay £700 to the Coca-Cola Company in the first ruling issued by the UK's newly-formed Company Names Tribunal.
'Feck' is not an offensive word, rules ASA
A poster for Magners cider that featured the words 'Feck off bees' has been cleared by the UK's advertising watchdog. The word 'feck' is unlikely to be seen as a swearword, said the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).
Is filming someone in the street a breach of privacy?
A 40-year-old woman is suing a Croatian TV station after it filmed her in public and then featured her in a documentary about obesity. Gordana Knezic was shopping in Zagreb and did not know that she was being filmed, Ananova reports.
OUT-LAW Radio needs your vote!
The American Bar Association Journal has shortlisted OUT-LAW Radio for the title of the web's best legal podcast. We'd love you to vote for us. (You can also listen to the last OUT-LAW Radio of 2008.)